Recent Awards & Accolades
- The Center for Economic History receives $2.5 million grant from Menard family. Read the open letter from the Menard family.
- Joel Mokyr named a researcher of “Nobel Class”
- Lou Cain was named to the 2019 Class of Fellows of the Cliometric Society. Joel Mokyr (2010) and Joe Ferrie (2018) are also fellows.
Center for Economic History News
- 07/28/22: CNN wrote about Robert J. Gordon in “Who decides if the US is in a recession? Eight economists you’ve never heard of”
- 07/28/22: Barron’s wrote about Robert J. Gordon in “Explainer: What Is a Recession and Who Decides”
- 07/27/22: The Washington Post wrote about Robert J. Gordon in “The 8 economists who decide if the U.S. is in a recession”
- 07/27/22: The International Monetary Fund published a co-written Op-Ed featuring Matthias Doepke in “People and economies will prosper if policymakers help women combine career and family”
- 07/27/22: Crains Chicago quoted Nancy Qian in “Forging Leaders at the Intersection of Business, Technology, and Analytics”
- 07/22/22: New York Magazine quoted Nancy Qian in “What on Earth Is China’s COVID Strategy Now?”
- 07/21/22: Quartz quoted Efraim Benmelech in “Why investors love GameStop’s stock split”
- 07/19/22: CNBC quoted Efraim Benmelech in “Why American wages haven’t grown despite increases in productivity”
- 07/19/22: Bloomberg cited research by Robert J. Gordon in “Clouds Gather Over China’s Economic Outlook”
- 07/18/22: Bloomberg cited research by Robert J. Gordon in “Remote Work Fueled US Productivity Growth During Pandemic, Study Says”
- 07/16/22: Fortune quoted Carola Frydman in “A broken global economy is jacking up prices around the world. Experts say we’ve seen this before: World War I”
- 07/15/22: VoxEU published a co-written Op-Ed featuring Walker Hanlon in “Communication costs, science, and innovation”
- 07/15/22: The New York Times quoted Robert J. Gordon in “Are Middlemen Really Profit-Making Parasites?”
- 07/15/22: The Globe and Mail cited research by Nancy Qian in “Our bud, the spud”
- 07/13/22: Forbes quoted Joel Mokyr in “Recession Fears Are Top Of Mind, But We Should Be More Worried About America’s Weak Economic Growth”
- 07/12/22: Bloomberg wrote about Robert J. Gordon in “There’s No US Recession Until an Obscure Panel of ‘Eggheads’ Says It Is So”
- 07/01/22: The Washington Post cited research by Joseph Ferrie in “Ellis Island immigrants weren’t special — today’s newcomers succeed just as quickly”
- 07/01/22: The Latch cited research by Efraim Benmelech in “All of Your Recession Questions, Answered”
- 06/14/22: Kellogg Insight cited research by Efraim Benmelech in “Real Estate Investors See Opportunity, Despite Inflation and Uncertainty”
- 06/14/22: Bloomberg wrote about Robert J. Gordon in “Larry Summers, Robert Gordon Square Off Over Fed’s Task to Rein In Inflation”
- 06/12/22: VoxEU cited research by Joseph Ferrie in “The foster care-to-prison pipeline”
- 06/11/22: VoxEU published a co-written Op-Ed featuring Matthias Doepke in “A new era in the economics of fertility”
- 06/10/22: Project Syndicate published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “China’s Great Wall of Public-Health Distrust”
- 06/08/22: Kellogg Insight cited research by Nancy Qian in “Take 5: Democracies and How They Thrive “Take 5: Democracies and How They Thrive”
- 06/06/22: Forbes wrote about Joel Mokyr in “Ukraine Reminds Us Of The Many Benefits Of Economic Freedom”
- 06/03/22: Kellogg Insight cited research by Efraim Benmelech in “Did China’s One-Child Policy Prompt Households to Save More?”
- 06/02/22: Project Syndicate published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “Is China’s Economic Miracle Over?”
- 06/01/22: Vox cited research by Robert J. Gordon in “About 200 years ago, the world started getting rich. Why?”
- 06/01/22: Kellogg Insight quoted and cited research by Nicola Bianchi in “How One Tax Reform Led to More Women in the Workforce Decades Later”
- 05/28/22: The Arts Fuse cited research by Matthias Doepke in “Book Review: Humanizing Our Youth — “Gen Z, Explained: The Art of Living in a Digital Age”
- 05/24/22: The New York Times quoted Robert J. Gordon in “Why Isn’t New Technology Making Us More Productive?”
- 05/23/22: Merion West quoted Joel Mokyr in “Karl Marx’s Theory of Primitive Accumulation Is Wrong”
- 05/20/22: The Guardian quoted Nancy Qian in “‘Do whatever it takes’: Beijing urged to act as China’s economy falters”
- 05/18/22: The Financial Times cited research by Robert J. Gordon in “Why don’t computers work? A neat theory to explain the productivity puzzle 2.0”
- 05/18/22: Ricochet interviewed Walker Hanlon in “The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the Engineer”
- 05/17/22: City Journal Magazine interviewed Joel Mokyr in “The Future Economy
Introducing the Risk Talking podcast” - 05/16/22: Independent Institute wrote about Joel Mokyr in “Which Economists Should Have Gotten Nobels Before They Died?”
- 05/12/22: Central Banking cited research by Ralf Meisenzahl in “Fed paper examines non-bank emergency facility”
- 05/11/22: VoxEU published a co-written Op-Ed featuring Efraim Benmelech in “Fertility and savings: The effect of China’s two-child policy on household savings”
- 05/05/22: The Associated Press interviewed Carola Frydman in “How Higher Fed Rates Stand to Affect Americans’ Finances”
- 05/02/22: Vox quoted Joel Mokyr in “Have we been thinking about economic growth all wrong?”
- 05/02/22: The Hindu cited research by Matthias Doepke in “A new perspective on fertility and income levels”
- 04/28/22: The Korea Times published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “What Shanghai lockdown tells us about China’s future”
- 04/21/22: Brookings cited research by Ralf Meisenzahl in “Hutchins Roundup: Financial institutions, flood insurance, and more”
- 04/19/22: Forbes quoted Nancy Qian in “China’s ‘Zero-Covid’ Crackdown Threatens Global Economy”
- 04/15/22: Northwestern Now quoted Efraim Benmelech in “Larry Summers to discuss implications of soaring inflation at April 20 event”
- 04/14/22: The Globe and Mail published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “China is caught in a COVID-19 trap of its own making”
- 04/13/22: Project Syndicate published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “What Is China’s COVID Endgame?”
- 04/01/22: Bloomberg published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “The Best Way for China to Make Its Economy Sanctions-Proof”
- 03/30/22: Forbes cited research by Joel Mokyr in “Exercising Freedom In Your World To Uphold Freedom In The World”
- 03/27/22: The Wall Street Journal quoted Robert J. Gordon in “Capital Spending Boom Helps Raise Productivity, Contain Costs”
- 03/17/22: Kellogg Insight published an Op-Ed by Efraim Benmelech in “What Can We Learn from Amazon’s Stock Split?”
- 03/14/22: The American Enterprise Institute quoted and cited research by Joel Mokyr in “Boomflation, stagflation, or … recession – what are the odds?”
- 03/14/22: Kellogg Insight cited research by Filippo Mezzanotti in “5 Things You May Not Know about Tax Policy”
- 03/11/22: Kellogg Insight quoted and cited research by Jacobo Ponticelli in “How Climate Disasters Ripple Through the Labor Market”
- 02/28/22: The American Enterprise Institute quoted Robert J. Gordon in “Is this really America’s age of ‘anti-ambition’ and decadence?”
- 02/16/22: The Bangkok Post published an Op-Ed by Nancy Qian in “The West must accept the cold reality of Ukraine”
- 02/15/22: City Journal Magazine quoted and cited research by Joel Mokyr in “Bring on the Bots: The antidote to the Great Resignation and a plunging birthrate is the robot revolution—which will not mean the end of work.”
- 02/01/22: Kellogg Insight quoted and cited research by Leander Heldring in “Is an Efficient Government Always a Good Thing?”
- 01/27/22: Reuters cited research by Matthias Doepke in “Seeking to strengthen pay equity laws in New York”