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Department of Economics

Center for Economic History


Photos of Robert Fogel and Douglass North


The Center for Economic History at Northwestern University was established in 2013 with seed money from the University. It is co-directed by Professors Joel Mokyr and Joseph Ferrie, and Associate Professor Walker Hanlon. The Center has a large number of affiliates from the Economics and History Departments in WCAS as well as from Kellogg School of Management and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.


Northwestern’s Center for Economic History studies the past, using economic analysis, quantitative methods, and historical sources of all kinds. It is committed to training students, supporting their research, and fostering continuous interaction among students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. Above all, it is committed to encouraging and supporting rigorous academic research on any historical topic of interest to economists and other social scientists.


The Center hosts resident postdoctoral trainees who work on their research as well as interact regularly with the faculty students affiliated with the Center. It employs a full-time research assistant, who aids the students and faculty affiliated with the Center with their research projects.


Among our activities are weekly seminars of visiting scholars (on Wednesdays 3:30-5:00PM CT) and regular Friday lunch meetings of the faculty and students affiliated with the Center in which students present their preliminary research results. The Center sponsors the bi-annual dinner of the Greater Chicago Area Friends of Economic History, which attracts scholars from a dozen institutions in the Chicago area and hosts world-renowned scholars in the field. A number of international conferences are in the planning stage.

Upcoming Center Events


Seminar in Economic History

3:30 PM
Kellogg Global Hub


Economic History Lunch

12:00 PM
Kellogg Global Hub


Seminar in Economic History

3:30 PM
Kellogg Global Hub


Economic History Lunch

12:00 PM
Kellogg Global Hub