Economic History Rookiefest 2023
Every other year the Center for Economic History hosts the Economic History Rookiefest, an event that brings together the work of doctoral students with scholars from the Chicagoland economic history community.
Program | Reimbursement Instructions Allen Center Floorplan
Thursday, April 27th, 2023
James L. Allen Center
2169 Campus Drive, Room 221
Evanston, IL 60208
Session 1
Jiwon Choi, Princeton University, The Effect of Deindustrialization on Local Economies: Evidence from New England Textile Towns
Matthew Pesner, Vanderbilt University, Public Pensions and Retirement: Evidence from the Railroad Retirement Act
Break in the Oscar Mayer Lounge
Session 2
Ariadna Jou, University of California, Los Angeles, Do Relief Programs Compensate Affected Populations? Evidence from the Great Depression and the New Deal
Lillian Gaeto, Vanderbilt University, Employee Stock Ownership During the Great Depression: Takeaways from the First ESOP Experiment
Lunch in the SC Johnson Dining Room
Session 3
Lukas Althoff, Princeton University, Jim Crow and Black Economic Progress After Slavery
Vitaliia Yaremko, University of California, Berkeley, The Long-Term Consequences of Blacklisting: Evidence From the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33
Break in the Oscar Mayer Lounge
Session 4
Katherine Hauck, University of Arizona, Dynamic Optimization while Updating Priors: An Application to Farming in the American West
Paul Schmelzing, Harvard University, Eight centuries of global real interest rates, R-G, and the “suprasecular” decline, 1311-2018
Dinner at Five & Dime
If you have any questions about this event, please email