Director: Alessandro Pavan
Budget Manager: Marciano Siniscalchi
Record Keeper (note-taker): Annie Liang
Mini-courses (jointly with the director of the Math Center): Piotr Dworczak
Short-term Visitors (same as Theory Seminar org): Harry Pei
Long-term Visitors: Ben Golub
RA Appointments: Asher Wolinsky, Eddie Dekel
Student Support: Annie Liang
Students Lunch: Jeff Ely (Fall), Marciano Siniscalchi (Spring)
Student-invited Seminars: Yingni Guo
Theory Seminar: Harry Pei
Bag Lunch: Wojciech Olszewsk
CET Faculty Lunch: Bruno Strulovici
Website Coordinator: Asher Wolinsky, Eddie Dekel
Chicago Conference / Coordination (new position in 2022): Piotr Dworczak
Theory field representative: Marciano Siniscalchi