We’re hiring!

We’re hiring! Currently searching for a data scientist and 1-2 postdocs to join our team! Data Scientist / Statistical Analyst Interested in data science? The Braun Computational Biocomplexity Lab at Northwestern University is looking for a statistical...

Braun Lab joins the Department of Molecular Biosciences

Effective January 1, 2021, Rosemary will be tenured faculty in the Department of Molecular Biosciences in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences of Northwestern University.  This means the lab is moving to Pancoe, where we’ll closer to our colleagues and...

Sahil’s GeneSurrounder Method Published in BMC Bioinformatics!

  Abstract Background: A key challenge of identifying disease–associated genes is analyzing transcriptomic data in the context of regulatory networks that control cellular processes in order to capture multi-gene interactions and yield mechanistically...