
Prof. Andrew Jacobson

Prof. Andrew Jacobson

Primary Investigator

Current Group Members

Dr. Chris Parendo

Dr. Chris Parendo

Enhanced Rock Weathering Postdoctoral Scholar, 2024 - present

Dr. Chris Parendo (PhD Harvard, 2021) specializes in applying novel isotope-ratio measurements and geochemical modeling to investigate various geological processes. During his PhD at Harvard University, he developed optimized procedures for analysis of K isotopes by MC-ICPMS, and he examined material transport in subduction zones by completing K-isotope studies on hydrothermally altered ocean crust, marine sediments, and island-arc lavas. As a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard, he produced Ca-isotope and elemental datasets on refractory inclusions (CAIs) in meteorites, and he employed kinetic-equilibrium modeling to elucidate physical and chemical conditions in the early solar nebula. In the Spring of 2024, he will join the Jacobson lab as a postdoctoral scholar, where he will develop numerical models for CO2 removal (CDR) by Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW), as well as undertake basic science investigations to test whether high-precision Ca isotope measurements can improve measurement, reporting, and verification criteria for tracking CDR by ERW.

Dr. Anna Waldeck

Dr. Anna Waldeck

Agouron Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023 - present

Dr. Anna Waldeck (PhD Harvard, 2021) uses novel stable isotope tools to understand climate- and geobiology-related processes that shape our world. During her dissertation research, she generated triple oxygen isotope records of sulfate minerals to track atmospheric pO2 across the last 550 million years. Between 2021 and 2023, Anna was appointed as an Ubben Carbon and Climate Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University (funding from Trienens Institute of Sustainability and Energy, formerly ISEN), where she measured calcium and strontium isotopes across Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Events to understand marine responses in a high-pCO2 world. Currently, Anna is an Agouron Geobiology Postdoctoral Fellow, working to apply multiple stable isotope systems (δ44/40Ca-δ88/86Sr, and dual clumped isotopes) to understand modern carbonate mineral formation in Green Lake, NY. Anna is jointly appointed between Northwestern University and Penn State University, where she is being advised by Prof. Miqeula Ingalls. Anna is currently in-residence in the Ingalls Lab.

Chuyan Wan

Chuyan Wan

Ph.D. Student, 2021 - present

Chuyan’s research focuses on using the novel δ44/40Ca-δ88/86Sr multi-proxy to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions, as well as constrain the fidelity of geochemical signal preservation in the carbonate rock record. She is currently working to understand the causes and consequences of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (~120 Ma) and the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (~56 Ma).

Allegra Tashjian

Allegra Tashjian

Ph.D. Student, 2022 - present

Jonathan Chen

Jonathan Chen

Undergraduate, 2023 - present

Jonathan is a sophomore studying earth science, biology, and environmental science. His research centers on micropaleontology and its paleoclimatic applications. He is currently working on stable Ca measurements of foraminifera across the Aptian-Albian (~113 Ma), an interval associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b and mass extinction among planktic forams. Jonathan hopes that his work in paleontology and paleoclimate can help to uncover new insights into modern climate change.

Suyang Li

Suyang Li

Undergraduate, 2023 - present

Suyang is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Earth and Planetary Science. His research aims to construct a new high-precision Ca isotope record across Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (~92 Ma), using bulk carbonate sediments sampled from a new core drilled by the USGS in the Western Interior Seaway.

Jordan Crumpton

Jordan Crumpton

Undergraduate, 2024 - present

Jordan is studying Enhanced Rock Weathering in collaboration with scientists in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and The Chicago Botanic Garden.

Aoife Schmitt

Aoife Schmitt

2024 Enhanced Rock Weathering Summer Intern

Aoife received a BA in Environmental Engineering from Tufts University in 2024. Currently, she is working jointly between the Jacobson laboratory and Silicate Carbon to advance Enhanced Rock Weathering field trials in Union Hill, IL.

Olivier Coppieters ‘t Wallant

Olivier Coppieters ‘t Wallant

2024 Enhanced Rock Weathering Summer Intern

Olivier is a rising junior at the University of Vermont pursuing a BA in Environmental Science with a minor in Chemistry. Currently, he is working jointly between the Jacobson laboratory and Silicate Carbon to advance Enhanced Rock Weathering field trials in Union Hill, IL.

Former Group Members

Dr. Niloufar Sarvian

Ph.D. Student, 2017 – 2023

NSF GRFP Honorable Mention, 2018

ISEN Cluster Fellow, 2018-2019

Northwestern University COP27 Delegate, 2022

Founder-in-Residence, Marble Climate Tech Venture Studio, 2023-2024

Current: Science Lead, Quadtrature Climate Foundation

Tia Chung-Swanson

TIMS Lab Manager, 2021 – 2022

Undergraduate, 2017 – 2021

Current: Ph.D. student, Earth Systems Science, UC Irvine

Dr. Meagan Ankney

Research Associate and TIMS Lab Manager, 2016 – 2021

Current: Chemist III, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

Dr. Gabriella Kitch

Ph.D. Student, 2016 – 2022

NSF Graduate Research Fellow, 2016 – 2021

NOAA International Policy (Knauss) Fellow, 2022 – 2023

Current: NOAA Ocean Acidification Program, Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Lead

Dr. Annie Claire Nelson

Ph.D. Student, 2016 – 2022

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 2022 – 2023

Activate Fellow, 2023

Current: Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Cella Mineral Storage

Dr. Jiuyuan Wang

Ph.D. Student, 2015 – 2020

Agouron Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Yale University, 2021 – 2023

Current: Assistant Professor, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

Dr. Ben Linzmeier

ISEN Ubben Carbon and Climate Postdoctoral Scholar, 2017 – 2019

Current: Geology Research Scientist, AI Scientist, Uroboros Innovations

Dr. Grace Andrews

Ph.D. Student, 2012-2017

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Southampton, 2017 – 2020

Research Scientist and Research Associate, Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation, University of Sheffield, 2020 – 2022

Vice President and Head of Science, Project Vesta, 2021 – 2024

Current: Executive Director, Hourglass Climate

Dr. Alain Potrel

TIMS Lab Manager, 2012-2017

Dr. Greg Lehn

Ph.D. Student, Post Doctoral Scholar, and TIMS Lab Manager, 2009-2017

Dr. Jong-Sik Ryu

Dr. Joel Moore

Postdoctoral Scholar, 2008-2011

Current: Professor, Department of Geosciences, Towson University

Dr. Lingling Wu

Ph.D. Student, 2003 – 2007

Dana Small

Undergraduate, 2023

Sara Yen

Undergraduate, 2023

Jennifer Mills

Undergraduate, 2013

Marshall Scholar, University of Cambridge and Imperial College London, 2013 – 2015

Ph.D., Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, 2016 – 2021

Senior Research Scientist and Advisor, Heirloom, 2021 – 2023

Current: Founding Team Member, Cascade Climate

Tyler Kukla

Undergraduate, 2016

Ph.D., Geological Sciences, Stanford University, 2016 – 2020

Current: Research Scientist, Carbon(plan)

Harry Hahn

Undergraduate, 2013

Joey Gill

Undergraduate, 2012

Jessica Kunke

Undergraduate, 2010

Alan Wong

Undergraduate, 2010

Eric Kramer

Undergraduate, 2009