Contact Information:
Andrew D. Jacobson
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Northwestern University
2145 N. Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3130
Office: F396/398 Technological Institute
Phone: 847-491-3132
FAX: 847-491-8060
e-mail: adj@earth.northwestern.edu
web: https://sites.northwestern.edu/andrewjacobson/
Delivery Information:
Regular Mail
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Northwestern University
2145 N. Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3130
Packages, Equipment, and Sample Delivery
3-155 Hogan Hall
2205 Tech Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory
3-100 Hogan Hall
Chemistry Laboratory and Balance Room
Phone: 847-467-2891
TIMS Room Phone: 847-467-2892
Aqueous Geochemistry Laboratory
3-162 Hogan Hall
Phone: 847-467-1431