
  • Insight Fellow
  • Postdoc at CIERA, Northwestern University (2016-2019)
  • Postdoc at ASIAA (2013-2016)
  • Teaching Assistant at UCSD (2007-2013)
  • Graduate Student Researcher at UCSD (2008-2013)


  • Ph.D. in Physics, UCSD, 2013
    Dissertation Title: Spiral Shock and Feathering Instabilities in Spiral Arms
    Advisor: Professor Frank H. Shu
  • M.Sc. in Physics, University of California, San Diego 2009
  • B.Sc. in Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong 2007
  • Education Abroad Program, University of California, San Diego 2005


  • OPA Travel Award ($500) 2018
  • Microsoft Azure Research Award ($20000) 2017
  • Ministry of Science and Technology Postdoctoral Paper Award ( 3000USD) 2016
  • Academia Sincia Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015-2016

Publications (Lists on ADS, Google Scholar, PDF)

  1. Pileups and Migration Rates for Planets in Low Mass Disks
    Dempsey, A. M., Lee, W.-K., Lithwick, Y., 2019, submitted to AAS Journals (
  2. Long-lived Eccentricities in Accretion Disks
    Lee, W.-K., Dempsey, A. M., Lithwick, Y., 2019b, submitted to ApJ (
  3. Eccentric Modes in Disks with Pressure and Self-gravity
    Lee, W.-K., Dempsey, A. M., Lithwick, Y., 2019a, ApJ, 872, 184 (ADS)
  4. JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies: I. Survey overview and first results
    Saintonge A., …, Lee, W.-K., …, 2018, MNRAS, 481, 3497 (ADS)
  5. Probing the Turbulence Dissipation Range and Magnetic Field Strengths in Molecular Clouds II: Directly Probing the Ion-Neutral Decoupling Scale
    Tang, K.-S., Li, H.-b., Lee, W.-K., 2018, ApJ, 862, 42
  6. Ultraharmonics and Secondary Spiral Wakes Induced by a Planet
    Lee, W.-K., 2016, ApJ , 832, 166
  7. The Effect of Vertical Temperature Gradient on the Propagation of Three-dimensional Waves in a Protoplanetary Disk
    Lee, W.-K. & Gu, Pin-Gao, 2015, ApJ, 814, 72 (ADS)
  8. Spiral Density Waves in M81. II. Hydrodynamic Simulations of the Gas Response to Stellar Spiral Density Waves
    Wang, H.-H., Lee, W.-K., Taam, R., Feng, C.-C., Lin, L.-H., 2015, ApJ, 800, 106 (ADS)
  9. Feathering Instabilities of Spiral Arms. II. Parameters Study
    Lee, W.-K., 2014, ApJ, 792, 122 (ADS)
  10. Feathering Instabilities of Spiral Arms. I. Formulation of the Problem
    Lee, W.-K. & Shu, F. H., 2012, ApJ, 756, 45 (ADS)

Invited Talks

  1. “Slow Eccentric Modes in Self-gravitating Disks”, TIARA/CHARMS Mini-Workshop on Disks in the Protoplanetary Systems, ASIAA, Taipei, August 2, 2017
  2. “Spiral Density Waves in Protoplanetary Disks”, TIARA/CHARMS Mini-Workshop on Disks in the Protoplanetary Systems, ASIAA, Taipei, August 2-3, 2016
  3. “Spiral Structure in Disks”, Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, Dec 17, 2015
  4. “Spiral Structure in Disks”, Division of Theoretical Astronomy, NAOJ, Japan, Nov 25, 2015
  5. “Effects of Vertical Temperature Gradient on the Wave Propagation in a Protoplanetary Disk”, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK, Oct 6, 2015
  6. “Numerical Simulations of Disk Galaxies”, Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, NTU, Taiwan, Mar 24, 2015
  7. “Feathering Instability in Spiral Arms”, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK, Mar 2, 2015
  8. “Numerical Simulation of Spiral Structure”, STScI, Baltimore, Oct 17, 2014
  9. “Numerical Simulation of Spiral Structure”, The University of Hong Kong, Jul 31, 2014
  10. “Feathering Instability in Galactic Spiral Arms”, National Central University, Taiwan, March 28, 2014
  11. “Spiral Structure in Nearby Galaxies”, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec 19, 2013
  12. “Feathering Instability in Spiral Arms”, Lin-Shu Symposium: 50 Years of Spiral Density Waves, Zhou Pei-Yuan Center for Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC, Jun 24-28, 2013

Conference Presentations (Talks and Posters)

  1. Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting 2018, San Jose, CA, Apr 15-19, 2018
  2. Boston Area Exoplanet Science Meeting 2, Harvard/CfA, Cambridge, MA, Mar 19, 2018
  3. Star and Planet Formations in the Southwest (SPF2), Biosphere 2, Oracle, AZ, Mar 12-16, 2018
  4. The Formation and Evolution of Planets and Their Disks, Garching, Jun 19-21, 2017
  5. 6th Les Houches Summer School in Numerical Physics, International School of Computational Astrophysics, Les Houches, May 16-27, 2016
  6. 3rd Interstellar and Circumstellar Medium Workshop, ASIAA, Aug 7, 2015
  7. East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting 2015, ASIAA, Feb 9-12, 2015
  8. Cross-Strait Astrophysics Symposium, ASIAA, Jun 19-21, 2014
  9. 221st American Astronomical Society Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Jan 8, 2013 (dissertation)
  10. Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium, Thirty-Five Years Later, UC Berkeley, Sep 10-12, 2012
  11. 219th American Astronomical Society Meeting, Austin, TX, Jan 8-12, 2012
  12. Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California Annual Meeting, UCSB, Nov 4, 2011
  13. Star Formation at High Angular Resolution, ASIAA, Jun 20-24, 2011
  14. Star Formation Summer School, ASIAA, June 15-18, 2011
  15. PEARLS-09, Spiral Arms Substructure in Nearby Galaxies, Sep 29 – Oct 1, 2009
    at STScI, Baltimore, MD

Other Seminars and Talks

  • “Star Formation in Spiral Galaxies”, Journal Club, UCSD, Feb 22, 2013
  • “Revisiting the Grand Design Spiral Galaxies”, Journal Club, UCSD, Jan 27, 2012
  • “Galactic structures”, Undergraduate Seminar, CUHK, Jul 16, 2011


  • The Decoupling of Velocity Anisotropy between Ion and Neutral”, Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment operated by NAOJ-Chile (2015a semester), in collaboration with Prof. H.-B. Li (CUHK) and Mr. Sunny Tang (CUHK/UIUC).
Service / Outreach
  • Reviewer of the Astrophysical Journal
  • Demonstrator for ASIAA Open Day, 2014, 2015
  • Organizer of East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting, 2015 (A 4-day conference with 150 participants)
  • Organizer of ASIAA Hack Day 2015

Teaching Experience

    • Lecturer, ASIAA Summer School
      Basic Programming and Numerical Methods using Python 2014

    • Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego
      • PHYS 200A Graduate Mechanics II (textbook: Goldstein) 2013
      • PHYS 110A Classical Mechanics (textbook: Taylor) 2012
      • PHYS 161 Black Holes in the Cosmos (textbook: Hartle) 2011, 2012
      • Conducted weekly tutorial session and prepared typed solution for homework/tests
    • Teaching Assistant, UC San Diego
      • PHYS 5/7/9 Universe / Introductory Astronomy / Solar System 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012
        • Conducted tutorial sessions, oce hours, demonstrations, and observing sessions
      • PHYS 1BL/2CL Undergraduate Physics Labs 2008, 2010, 2011
        • Topics in waves, optics, modern physics, and electronics
        • Lab demonstrations, outdoor experiments.