Ryan Elliot, University of Minnesota
Timothy Healey, Cornell University
Mechanical experiments on real structures and materials often begin with a homogeneous specimen that deforms uniformly for small loads (such as changes in applied stress, temperature, etc.). However, when subjected to steadily increasing, quasi-static loading the specimen undergoes a series of complex and spontaneous deformations (often producing intriguing spatial patterns) at discrete loading values. In particular, the loading value(s) associated with the onset of such phenomena, i.e., spontaneous deformations, is measured. Bifurcation/continuation methods combined with stability determinations (using criteria such as local energy minimization) provide a natural mathematical approach to understanding the complex behavior of such highly nonlinear systems. Recent decades have seen significant advances in the development of continuation and bifurcation theories as well as extensive application of these ideas in experimental and numerical investigations. This symposium will aim to bring together top researchers interested in the science of bifurcation and continuation in order to exchange knowledge and ideas on theory and experimentation in this vital and timely area of investigation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, symmetry methods for continuation and bifurcation; high-performance computing algorithms for continuation and bifurcation; global bifurcation; experimental characterization using bifurcation and continuation ideas; dynamic bifurcation and stability.
Keywords: material systems, solid and structure