Sara Hernández-Saborit

Associate Professor of Instruction, Northwestern University

I’m an Associate Professor of Instruction in Economics at Northwestern University. My research lies at the intersection of development and labor economics, with a marked gender component. I am particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms that propel females into the labor force and what the consequences are of doing so for individuals, households, and, by extension, their communities. My work has focused on the interaction between international trade and living standards, including violence, education, and fertility. I have collaborated in research projects in Colombia, México, Kenya, and India. I’m a J-PAL North America Invited Researcher and a Research Affiliate of the Forward Society Lab at the University of Toronto. I am currently working on a host of projects and impact evaluations related to workforce development and education  in Puerto Rico.

I hold a PhD in Economics from MIT (2015), and a BSc in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain.

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