Next-generation sequencing has allowed for huge advances in developing genomic resources for non-model systems such as Artocarpus. We have assembled a draft genome sequence for A. camansi (breadnut), the wild progenitor of breadfruit, to support target-enrichment phylogenomics (HybSeq) and explore the evolution of genomes in Artocarpus.
Gardner, E.M., M.G. Johnson, D. Ragone, N.J. Wickett, and N.J.C. Zerega. 2016. Low-coverage, whole-genome sequencing ofArtocarpus camansi (Moraceae) for phylogenetic marker development and gene discovery. Applications in Plant Sciences, 4(7), apps.1600017.
Johnson, M.G., E.M. Gardner, Y. Liu, R. Medina, B. Goffinet, A.J., N.J.C. Zerega, and N.J. Wickett. 2016. HybPiper: Extracting coding sequence and introns for phylogenetics from high-throughput sequencing reads using target enrichment.Applications in Plant Sciences,4(7), apps.1600016.

Supplemental data from E.M. Gardner, M.G. Johnson, D. Ragone, N.J. Wickets, and N.J.C. Zerega, in review. Low-coverage, whole-genome shotgun sequencing of Artocarpus camansi (Moraceae) for phylogenetic marker development and gene discovery:
- Genome assembly v. 1.0 (Ray 2.3.1)
- Genome assembly v. 1.1 (L_RNA_Scaffolder)
- Predicted coding sequences (Augustus)
- Predicted protein sequences (Augustus)
- Gene annotations (Trinotate)
- 333 phylogenetic marker sequences
- 98 putativeMADS-box gene sequences
- 27 putative volatile gene sequences
- 120mer bait sequences (designed by MYcroarray)
Supplemental data from M.G. Johnson, E.M. Gardner, B. Goffinet, Y. Liu, R. Medina, A.J. Shaw, N.J.C. Zerega, and N.J. Wickett, in review. HybPiper: extracting coding sequence and introns for phylogenetics from high-throughput sequencing reads using target enrichment:
- HybPiper Reference bait file
- Recovered sequence lengths
- Gene alignments
- Maximum-likelihood tree