Check out these recent publications for the most up to date Artocarpus phylogenetic hypothesis.
Gardner, E.M. and J.C. Zerega. 2021. Taxonomic updates to Artocarpus subgenus Artocarpus (Moraceae) and allied taxa with a particular focus on the species native to Singapore. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 73(2): 309-374. doi: 10.26492/gbs73(2).2021-08’-bulletin-singapore/-/media/sbg/gardens-bulletin/gbs_73_02_y2021/73_02_08_y2021_v7302_gbs_pg309.pdf
Gardner, E.M., M.G. Johnson, J.T. Pereira, A.S.A. Puad, D. Arifiani, Sahromi, N.J. Wickett, and J.C. Zerega. 2021. Paralogs and off-target sequences improve phylogenetic resolution in a densely-sampled study of the breadfruit genus (Artocarpus, Moraceae). Systematic Biology syaa073,
Gardner, E.M. and J.C. Zerega. 2020. Taxonomic updates to Artocarpus subgenus Pseudojaca (Moraceae), with a particular focuson the taxa in Singapore. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 72(2): 173-213. doi: 10.26492/gbs72(2).2020-06