My Google Scholar: Zelei Cheng – Google Scholar
- Xiaoguang Li, Haonan Yan, Zelei Cheng, Wenhai Sun, and Hui Li
Protecting Regression Models with Personalized Local Differential Privacy
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2023. 20(2), 960-974.
- Jiwei Zhang, Xiaodan Yan, Zelei Cheng, and Xueqi Shen
A face recognition algorithm based on feature fusion
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), 2022. 34(14), e5748.
- Jiwei Zhang, Yanyu Yan, Zelei Cheng, and Wendong Wang
Light-weight Attention Pyramid Network for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
Applied Sciences, 2020. 10(3), 883.
- Zelei Cheng, Xian Wu, Jiahao Yu, Xin-Qiang Cai, Shuo Han, Xinyu Xing
Soft-Label Integration for Robust Toxicity Classification
In Proc. of NeurIPS, 2024.
- Zelei Cheng, Xian Wu, Jiahao Yu, Sabrina Yang, Gang Wang, Xinyu Xing
RICE: Breaking Through the Training Bottlenecks of Reinforcement Learning with Explanation
In Proc. of ICML, 2024. (Spotlight)
- Zuotian Li, Xiang Liu, Zelei Cheng, Yingjie Chen, Wanzhu Tu, Jing Su
TrialView: An AI-powered Visual Analytics System for Temporal Clinical Trials Data
In Proc. of HICSS, 2024.
- Zelei Cheng, Xian Wu, Jiahao Yu, Wenhai Sun, Wenbo Guo, Xinyu Xing
StateMask: Explainable Reinforcement Learning through State Mask
In Proc. of NeurIPS, 2023.
- Zelei Cheng and Zuotian Li
Poisoning Attack for Inter-agent Transfer Learning
In Proc. of Securecomm, 2021.
- Tao Zhang, Zelei Cheng, Yi Qin, Qiang Li, Lin Shi
Deep Learning for Password Guessing and Password Strength Evaluation, A Survey
In Proc. of TrustCom, 2020.
- Chaofan Chen, Zelei Cheng, Zuotian Li, Manyi Wang
Hypergraph Attention Networks
In Proc. of TrustCom, 2020.
- Zelei Cheng, Zuotian Li, Jiwei Zhang, Shuhan Zhang
Differentially Private Machine Learning Model against Model Extraction Attack
In Proc. of CPSCom, 2020.
- Zelei Cheng, Zuotian Li, Bowen Sun, Shuhan Zhang, Yuanrong Shao
Reputation-based Q-Routing for Robust Inter-committee Routing in the Sharding-based Blockchain
In Proc. of CyberSciTech, 2020.
- Li Yan, Xiaowei Hao, Zelei Cheng, Rui Zhou
Cloud Computing Security and Privacy
In Proc. of ICBDC, 2018.