[2024-09] Our paper was accepted by NeurIPS. Congratulations!
[2024-08] I was invited to serve as a reviewer for ICLR’25.
[2024-06] I was invited to serve as a reviewer for HICSS’25.
[2024-05] I was invited to serve as a reviewer for NeurIPS’24.
[2024-05] I was invited to serve as a PC member at ICWSM’25.
[2024-05] Our paper was accepted by ICML as a spotlight presentation. Congratulations!
[2024-04] I was invited to serve as a PC member of OSDI/ATC’24 Artifact Evaluation.
[2024-04] I passed the qualifying exam and am now a PhD candidate!
[2024-03] I was invited to serve as a PC member of MobiSys’24 Artifact Evaluation.
[2024-01] I was invited to serve as a reviewer for ICLR’24 Tiny Paper track and SeT LLM Workshop.
[2024-01] I was invited to serve as a reviewer for ACM MM’24.
[2024-01] I was invited to serve as a PC member at ICWSM’24.
[2023-10] I received the NeurIPS Scholar Award. Thanks, NeurIPS!
[2023-09] Our paper was accepted by NeurIPS. Congratulations!