OK I believe that my CV can wait a little bit. My daily routine is basically reading books and papers (sometimes coding), and I’ve spent my past years, you know, reading books and papers (and coding as well). There is not too much to brag about. Math is a slow subject. I should focus on the work, rather than thinking about listing results and achievements, at least at my current stage.

However, I will put my past casually below. If I happened to take some notes during some conferences, I will put my notes here as well. A serious pdf version will be made in the future when the time is right. XD



Ph.D in Mathematics                                                                                     2017-(Expected 2022)

Northwestern University

Advisor: Antonio Auffinger


B.S. in Mathematics                                                                                       2013-2017

Rice University



Research Interests

Probability, Spin Glass, Percolation theory, Random Graphs and Applications in Computer Science.



Awards, fellowships

Math Department Fellowship, Northwestern University                          2017-2018

President Honor Roll, Rice University                                                          2013-2017



Conference, Workshops and Seminars

Northwestern Probability Seminar                                                              Fall 2019

-Series Lectures: Introduction to Random Matrix Theory. Notes here.

The 41st Midwest Probability Colloquium                                                Oct 2019

-Slides of the talks should be available later after the conference.

-Here is my notes for Harry Crane’s talk.

-Here is my notes for Jasmine Foo’s talk.

-Here is my notes for Janko Gravner’s talk.

Stochastic Processes and their Applications(SPA)                                July 2019

-Video recordings of the invited lectures are available on the official website.

-I am the volunteer photographer of the conference.

Northwestern Probability Seminar                                                             June 2019

-Talk: Schaeffer bijection and scaling limit of space of quadrangulation.

Spectral Theory Brown Bag Seminar, Rice University                              Fall 2016

-Series Lectures: Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials on Unit Circle(OPUC)




Please see my teaching and talk page.