NSF DDRI for Cassie Davenport

Cassie has been awarded an NSF DDRI for her dissertation research “The role of social information in sentence processing: Adjectives, nouns, and contextual cues” (NSF BCS #2438973, PI: Eszter Ronai, Co-PI: Cassie Davenport).

Two upcoming proceedings papers

To appear in the SALT and ELM proceedings. Eszter Ronai. Embedded scalar diversity. In Proceedings of the 34th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference. [paper] Thomas Sostarics, Eszter Ronai & Jennifer Cole. Relating Scalar Inference and Alternative Activation:...

Spring conferences

We were present at HSP, SALT and ELM in Spring 2024! @ELM: Thomas Sostarics, Eszter Ronai & Jennifer Cole. Relating Scalar Inference and Alternative Activation: A view from the Rise-Fall-Rise Tune in American English @SALT: Eszter Ronai. Embedded scalar diversity...

Peer-reviewed journal articles(* = equal contribution) 2023. Eszter Ronai & Ming Xiang. Memory Versus Expectation: Processing Relative Clauses in a Flexible Word Order Language. Cognitive Science, 47: e13227. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13227 [paper] (open...