NUANCE Center & MSA Student Council Presents

Women In Microscopy Conference

Career & Networking Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Microscopy Society of America Logo

Microscopy Society of America

The MSA job board includes hundreds of job openings in industry, academia, and research for microscopists in their early career and beyond. They feature open positions around the country and a couple international positions. Check out their listings on-site and remote opportunities!


NUANCE mission is to provide and continually update state-of-the-art and core analytical characterization instrumentation resources, with 24/7 open access, for the NU community and beyond. The word “resource” includes not only mere “instrumentation and access,” but also hands-on training, education, research collaboration and outreach. Current openings include administration, post doctoral, and core positions.

International Women's Day Prime Employers

IWD has a set of 10 criteria employers must meet in order to be listed as a Prime Employer on their site. These include ensure women’s inclusion from supply chain through to decision making, value and support flexible working arrangements, and forge a female hiring pipeline from early career to executive level.
