Here’s a timeline of my experiences, outside of class:

3M - Incoming Research & Development Intern - Maplewood, MN - Summer 2017

Incoming research and development intern.

Bonn University - Renewable Energy Research Student - Summer 2016

I participated in a 6-week long sustainability-politics seminar and energy technology research project. The seminar analyzed how international politics and economics impacts current sustainability efforts. In the research portion, I served on in a research group, given the task to research hydrogen fuel cell efficiency and possible real-world applications. I specifically studied the current technology of fuel cells in vehicles and their viability. I learned immensely from this program because I enjoyed both the societal and technical portions and how they intertwined.

Sungevity - Operations Intern - Oakland, CA - Summer 2015

At Sungevity, a solar panel retailer, I worked as an intern in the operations department specifically dealing with post-sale. Working a Sungevity was an interesting and learning experience for me because on a daily basis I communicated with real customers. I also learned a great deal about the energy and sustainability economy, and how it relates to the average consumer. I analyzed customers’ utility bills to see if going solar was an option, by taking into account efficiency standards and government regulation. Lastly, while at Sungevity the entire phone system was replaced, so I used problem-solving skills to find areas that were not properly covered by the transition.