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1. Edited Books

  • Wil Burns, David Dana & Simon Nicholson (eds.), CLIMATE GEOENGINEERING: SCIENCE, LAW AND GOVERNANCE (2021, Springer)
  • William C.G. Burns & Andrew Strauss (eds.), GEO-ENGINEERING THE CLIMATE: LAW, ETHICS AND POLICY CONSIDERATIONS (2013, Cambridge University Press)
  • William C.G. Burns & Hari Osofsky (eds.), ADJUDICATING THE CLIMATE: INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CAUSES OF ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (2009, Cambridge University Press)
  • William C.G. Burns & Al Gillespie (eds.), THE FUTURE OF CETACEANS IN A CHANGING WORLD, (2003, Transnational Publishers)
  • Wiliam C.G. Burns, Topical Editor, Water Organizations and Library Resources section, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WATER SCIENCE (B.A. Stewart & Terry Howell eds., 2003, Marcel Dekker)

2. Journal Articles

  • William Burns, Agroforestry: Enhancing the Prospects for Ameliorating Climate Change, 1 EARTH MATTERS 3-27 (2024)
  • Wil Burns, Governance of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Research under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 75(1) UNIVERSITY OF MAINE LAW REVIEW 38-70 (2023)
  • Wil Burns, The Aspen Institute’s Guidance for Ocean-based Carbon
    Dioxide Removal Projects, 17(1) JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY vi-vii (2022)
  • M. Honneger, W. Burns & D.R. Morrow, Is carbon dioxide removal ‘mitigation of climate change’?, 30(3) REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 327-35 (2021)
  • Wil Burns & Charles Corbett, Antacids for the Sea? Artificial Ocean Alkalinization and Climate Change, 3(2) ONE EARTH 154-66 (2020)
  • Neil Craik & Wil Burns, Climate Geoengineering under the Paris Agreement, 43(12) ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 11113-11129 (2019)
  • Jan McDonald, Jeffrey McGee, Kerryn Brent & Wil Burns, Governing geoengineering research for the Great Barrier Reef, 19 CLIMATE POLICY 801-11 (2019)
  • Jeffrey McGee, Kerryn Brent & Wil Burns, Geoengineering the Oceans: An Emerging Frontier in International Climate Change Governance, 15 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF MARITIME & OCEAN AFFAIRS 67-80 (2018)
  • Wil Burns, The European Union’s Emissions Trading System: Climate Policymaking Model, or Muddle?, Part 2, 31 TULANE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 52-77 (2017)
  • Wil Burns & Simon Nicholson, Bioenergy and Carbon Capture with Storage (BECCS): The Prospects and Challenges of an Emerging Climate Policy Response, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & SCIENCES 527-34 (2017)
  • Masahiro Sugiyama … Wil Burns, The Asia-Pacific’s role in the emerging solar geoengineering debate, 143 CLIMATIC CHANGE 1-12 (2017)
  • Wil Burns, The Case for Case Studies in Confronting Environmental Issues, 1(1) CASE STUDIES IN THE ENVIRONMENT 1-4 (2017)
  • Wil Burns, The European Union’s Emissions Trading System: Climate Policymaking Model, or Muddle?, Part 1, 31 TULANE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 189-216 (2017)
  • Wil Burns, The Thirteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, American Bar Association, International Law Section, SEER YEAR IN REVIEW FOR CLIMATE CHANGE, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ECOSYSTEMS (2017)
  • Wil Burns, Loss and Damage and the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 22(2) ILSA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW 415-32 (2016)
  • Wil Burns & Jane Flegal, Climate Geoengineering and the Role of Public Deliberation: A Comment on the US National Academy of Sciences’ Recommendations on Public Participation, 5(2-4) CLIMATE LAW 252-94 (2015)
  • Wil Burns, Introduction: Climate Geoengineering, 7(2) CARBON & CLIMATE LAW REVIEW 87-9 (2013)
  • Wil Burns, Geoengineering the Climate: An Overview of Solar Radiation Management Options, 46(2) TULSA LAW REVIEW 283-322 (2012)
  • Wil Burns, Climate Geoengineering: Solar Radiation Management and its Implications for Intergenerational Equity, IV STANFORD JOURNAL OF LAW, SCIENCE & POLICY 38-55 (2011)
  • Wil Burns, Belt and Suspenders?, The World Heritage Convention’s Role in Confronting Climate Change, 18 REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (2009)
  • Phaedra Doukakis . . . Wil Burns, Gaining Traction: Retreading the Wheels of Marine Conservation, 23(4) CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 841-46 (2009)
     Chris Parsons … Wil Burns, Navy Sonar and Cetaceans: Just how Much Does the Gun Need to Smoke Before We Act?, 56(7) MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 1248-57 (2008)
  • William C.G. Burns, A Voice for the Fish? Climate Change Litigation and Potential Causes of Action for Impacts under the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, 48(1) SANTA CLARA LAW REVIEW 505-50(2008)
  • Wil Burns, Warming Up to Climate Change Litigation?, SANTA CLARA LAWYER (Fall 2007)
  • Wil Burns, Potential Causes of Action for Climate Change Impacts under the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, VII(2) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW & POLICY 34-41 (2007)
  • Wil Burns, International Environmental Law (portion of ABA International Law & Practice’s annual review of international law developments), 41 INTERNATIONAL LAWYER (Summer 2006)
  • William C.G. Burns, Potential Causes of Action for Climate Change Damages in International Fora: The Law of the Sea, 2(1) McGill INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW & POLICY 27-51 (2006)
  • William C.G. Burns, Nature Conservation: Natural Lands and Biological Diversity – Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 16 YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 457-62 (2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Potential Implications of Climate Change for the Coastal Resources of Pacific Island Developing Countries and Potential Legal and Policy Responses, 8(1) HARVARD ASIA-PACIFIC REVIEW 4-7 (2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, Introduction to Special Issue on the Precautionary Principle and its Operationalization in International Environmental Regimes and Domestic Policymaking, 5(1-2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 1-9 (2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Berlin Initiative on Strengthening the Conservation Agenda of the International Whaling Commission: Toward a New Era for Cetaceans?, 14 REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 72-85 (2004)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Exigencies That Drive Potential Causes of Action for Climate Change Damages at the International Level, 98 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW PROCEEDINGS 223-54 (2004)
  • William C.G. Burns, A Growing Concern: The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture, 8(2) GLOBAL CHANGE (Summer, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns, Climate Change and Human Health: The Critical Policy Agenda, 287(17) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (MS section) (May 1, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns & Geoffrey Wandsforde Smith, The 53rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission and the Future of Cetaceans in a Changing World, 11(4) REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 221-37 (2002)
  • Kate O’Neill, William C.G. Burns & Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith, Working with the Limitations and Frustrations in a Treaty-Based Approach to International Environmental Problem Solving, in INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY (David Hunter, James Salzman, & Durwood Zaelke, eds., 2d ed., Foundation Press, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns, Baking Bogs: Climate Change Releases Stored Carbon, 7(1) GLOBAL CHANGE, Spring, 2001
  • William C.G. Burns, Are Sinks Sunk?, 6(4) GLOBAL CHANGE (Winter, 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, Climate Change and Its Possible Impact on Small Island States, 6(3) GLOBAL CHANGE, (Fall, 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, From the Harpoon to the Heat: Climate Change, the Future of Cetaceans, and the Role of the International Whaling Commission, 13(2) GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 335-59 (Fall, 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Possible Impact of Climate Change on Pacific Island Nation Ecosystems, 6(2) ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT 1-19 (2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, Biosafety Resources on the Internet, 3(3) BIODIVERSITY, (Summer 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area: Problems and Prospects, 1(1) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE LAW & POLICY 37-65 (Summer 1998)
  • William C.G. Burns, The 49th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission: Problems and Prospects, 3 COLORADO YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 14-23 (Spring 1998)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Heat is On: What Can We Expect at the 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?, GREENLINE 1-12 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Future of Small Island States, 14 DICKINSON JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY 147-88 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Second Review Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2 COLORADO YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 153-62 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, European Implementation of CITES and the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on the Protection of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 8 GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 226-59 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, The International Whaling Commission: Improving the Prospects for Large Cetaceans in the Next Century, 15 COLORADO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY 12-26 (Winter, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, From the Lance to the Laboratory: The Impact of Anthropogenic Environmental Degradation on Cetacean Species, 10 SEA WINDs (3) (Fall, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Habitat II Conference and the Future of Cities, GREENLINE, (Spring, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, Global Warming: More Heat than Light, THE MUIRVIEW, (Jan./Feb. 1996)
  • William C. Burns & William J. Weiner, Global Warming And The United Nations Framework On Climate Change (co-author: William J. Weiner), in INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (2nd Edition, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, CITES and the Regulation of the Taking of Sharks, SPECIES, (Spring, 1995)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Penguin Species, PENGUIN CONSERVATION, (July, 1995)
  • William C.G. Burns, The International Convention To Combat Desertification: Drawing A Line In The Sand?, 16(3) MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 832-82 (Spring, 1995)
  • William C.G. Burns, The International Whaling Commission and the Regulation of Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Uses of Small Cetaceans: The Critical Agenda for the 1990s, WISCONSIN INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 105-44 (Fall, 1994
  • William C.G. Burns, Stopping the Feeding Frenzy: How Can We Save The Shark,? 15 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESs (July, 1992)
  • William C.G. Burns, Recycled Paper: A Reality Check, Part II, NAPEC QUARTERLy, (May, 1991)
  • William C.G. Burns, Recycled Paper: A Reality Check, Part I, NAPEC QUARTERLy, (March, 1991)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and the Rhinoceros, 13 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS (May, 1991)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Report of the Secretary General on Transnational Corporations and Industrial Process Safety: A Critical Appraisal, 3 GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 55-84 (Summer, 1990)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and International Trade in Flora: A Critical Appraisal, 8 PENN STATE INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 203-223 (1990)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Decline of the Elephant: Improving the CITES Framework, 12 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS (March, 1989)
  • William C.G. Burns, Asian Compliance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, 29 INDIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (1989)
  • William C.G. Burns, Asian Compliance with CITES: Problems and Prospects, 5(2) BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 311-26 (1987)

2. Journal Articles

  • Wil Burns, Governance of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Research under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 75(1) UNIVERSITY OF MAINE LAW REVIEW 38-70 (2023)
  • Wil Burns, The Aspen Institute’s Guidance for Ocean-based Carbon
    Dioxide Removal Projects, 17(1) JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY vi-vii (2022)
  • M. Honneger, W. Burns & D.R. Morrow, Is carbon dioxide removal ‘mitigation of climate change’?, 30(3) REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 327-35 (2021)
  • Wil Burns & Charles Corbett, Antacids for the Sea? Artificial Ocean Alkalinization and Climate Change, 3(2) ONE EARTH 154-66 (2020)
  • Neil Craik & Wil Burns, Climate Geoengineering under the Paris Agreement, 43(12) ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REPORTER 11113-11129 (2019)
  • Jan McDonald, Jeffrey McGee, Kerryn Brent & Wil Burns, Governing geoengineering research for the Great Barrier Reef, 19 CLIMATE POLICY 801-11 (2019)
  • Jeffrey McGee, Kerryn Brent & Wil Burns, Geoengineering the Oceans: An Emerging Frontier in International Climate Change Governance, 15 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF MARITIME & OCEAN AFFAIRS 67-80 (2018)
  • Wil Burns, The European Union’s Emissions Trading System: Climate Policymaking Model, or Muddle?, Part 2, 31 TULANE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 52-77 (2017)
  • Wil Burns & Simon Nicholson, Bioenergy and Carbon Capture with Storage (BECCS): The Prospects and Challenges of an Emerging Climate Policy Response, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & SCIENCES 527-34 (2017)
  • Masahiro Sugiyama … Wil Burns, The Asia-Pacific’s role in the emerging solar geoengineering debate, 143 CLIMATIC CHANGE 1-12 (2017)
  • Wil Burns, The Case for Case Studies in Confronting Environmental Issues, 1(1) CASE STUDIES IN THE ENVIRONMENT 1-4 (2017)
  • Wil Burns, The European Union’s Emissions Trading System: Climate Policymaking Model, or Muddle?, Part 1, 31 TULANE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JOURNAL 189-216 (2017)
  • Wil Burns, The Thirteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, American Bar Association, International Law Section, SEER YEAR IN REVIEW FOR CLIMATE CHANGE, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ECOSYSTEMS (2017)
  • Wil Burns, Loss and Damage and the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 22(2) ILSA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW 415-32 (2016)
  • Wil Burns & Jane Flegal, Climate Geoengineering and the Role of Public Deliberation: A Comment on the US National Academy of Sciences’ Recommendations on Public Participation, 5(2-4) CLIMATE LAW 252-94 (2015)
  • Wil Burns, Introduction: Climate Geoengineering, 7(2) CARBON & CLIMATE LAW REVIEW 87-9 (2013)
  • Wil Burns, Geoengineering the Climate: An Overview of Solar Radiation Management Options, 46(2) TULSA LAW REVIEW 283-322 (2012)
  • Wil Burns, Climate Geoengineering: Solar Radiation Management and its Implications for Intergenerational Equity, IV STANFORD JOURNAL OF LAW, SCIENCE & POLICY 38-55 (2011)
  • Wil Burns, Belt and Suspenders?, The World Heritage Convention’s Role in Confronting Climate Change, 18 REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (2009)
  • Phaedra Doukakis . . . Wil Burns, Gaining Traction: Retreading the Wheels of Marine Conservation, 23(4) CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 841-46 (2009)
     Chris Parsons … Wil Burns, Navy Sonar and Cetaceans: Just how Much Does the Gun Need to Smoke Before We Act?, 56(7) MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 1248-57 (2008)
  • William C.G. Burns, A Voice for the Fish? Climate Change Litigation and Potential Causes of Action for Impacts under the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, 48(1) SANTA CLARA LAW REVIEW 505-50(2008)
  • Wil Burns, Warming Up to Climate Change Litigation?, SANTA CLARA LAWYER (Fall 2007)
  • Wil Burns, Potential Causes of Action for Climate Change Impacts under the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, VII(2) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW & POLICY 34-41 (2007)
  • Wil Burns, International Environmental Law (portion of ABA International Law & Practice’s annual review of international law developments), 41 INTERNATIONAL LAWYER (Summer 2006)
  • William C.G. Burns, Potential Causes of Action for Climate Change Damages in International Fora: The Law of the Sea, 2(1) McGill INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LAW & POLICY 27-51 (2006)
  • William C.G. Burns, Nature Conservation: Natural Lands and Biological Diversity – Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 16 YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 457-62 (2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Potential Implications of Climate Change for the Coastal Resources of Pacific Island Developing Countries and Potential Legal and Policy Responses, 8(1) HARVARD ASIA-PACIFIC REVIEW 4-7 (2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, Introduction to Special Issue on the Precautionary Principle and its Operationalization in International Environmental Regimes and Domestic Policymaking, 5(1-2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 1-9 (2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Berlin Initiative on Strengthening the Conservation Agenda of the International Whaling Commission: Toward a New Era for Cetaceans?, 14 REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 72-85 (2004)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Exigencies That Drive Potential Causes of Action for Climate Change Damages at the International Level, 98 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW PROCEEDINGS 223-54 (2004)
  • William C.G. Burns, A Growing Concern: The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture, 8(2) GLOBAL CHANGE (Summer, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns, Climate Change and Human Health: The Critical Policy Agenda, 287(17) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (MS section) (May 1, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns & Geoffrey Wandsforde Smith, The 53rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission and the Future of Cetaceans in a Changing World, 11(4) REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY & INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 221-37 (2002)
  • Kate O’Neill, William C.G. Burns & Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith, Working with the Limitations and Frustrations in a Treaty-Based Approach to International Environmental Problem Solving, in INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY (David Hunter, James Salzman, & Durwood Zaelke, eds., 2d ed., Foundation Press, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns, Baking Bogs: Climate Change Releases Stored Carbon, 7(1) GLOBAL CHANGE, Spring, 2001
  • William C.G. Burns, Are Sinks Sunk?, 6(4) GLOBAL CHANGE (Winter, 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, Climate Change and Its Possible Impact on Small Island States, 6(3) GLOBAL CHANGE, (Fall, 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, From the Harpoon to the Heat: Climate Change, the Future of Cetaceans, and the Role of the International Whaling Commission, 13(2) GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 335-59 (Fall, 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Possible Impact of Climate Change on Pacific Island Nation Ecosystems, 6(2) ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT 1-19 (2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, Biosafety Resources on the Internet, 3(3) BIODIVERSITY, (Summer 2000)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area: Problems and Prospects, 1(1) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE LAW & POLICY 37-65 (Summer 1998)
  • William C.G. Burns, The 49th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission: Problems and Prospects, 3 COLORADO YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 14-23 (Spring 1998)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Heat is On: What Can We Expect at the 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?, GREENLINE 1-12 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Future of Small Island States, 14 DICKINSON JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY 147-88 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Second Review Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2 COLORADO YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 153-62 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, European Implementation of CITES and the Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on the Protection of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 8 GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 226-59 (Spring, 1997)
  • William C.G. Burns, The International Whaling Commission: Improving the Prospects for Large Cetaceans in the Next Century, 15 COLORADO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY 12-26 (Winter, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, From the Lance to the Laboratory: The Impact of Anthropogenic Environmental Degradation on Cetacean Species, 10 SEA WINDs (3) (Fall, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Habitat II Conference and the Future of Cities, GREENLINE, (Spring, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, Global Warming: More Heat than Light, THE MUIRVIEW, (Jan./Feb. 1996)
  • William C. Burns & William J. Weiner, Global Warming And The United Nations Framework On Climate Change (co-author: William J. Weiner), in INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS (2nd Edition, 1996)
  • William C.G. Burns, CITES and the Regulation of the Taking of Sharks, SPECIES, (Spring, 1995)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Penguin Species, PENGUIN CONSERVATION, (July, 1995)
  • William C.G. Burns, The International Convention To Combat Desertification: Drawing A Line In The Sand?, 16(3) MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 832-82 (Spring, 1995)
  • William C.G. Burns, The International Whaling Commission and the Regulation of Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Uses of Small Cetaceans: The Critical Agenda for the 1990s, WISCONSIN INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 105-44 (Fall, 1994
  • William C.G. Burns, Stopping the Feeding Frenzy: How Can We Save The Shark,? 15 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESs (July, 1992)
  • William C.G. Burns, Recycled Paper: A Reality Check, Part II, NAPEC QUARTERLy, (May, 1991)
  • William C.G. Burns, Recycled Paper: A Reality Check, Part I, NAPEC QUARTERLy, (March, 1991)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and the Rhinoceros, 13 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS (May, 1991)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Report of the Secretary General on Transnational Corporations and Industrial Process Safety: A Critical Appraisal, 3 GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW 55-84 (Summer, 1990)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and International Trade in Flora: A Critical Appraisal, 8 PENN STATE INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 203-223 (1990)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Decline of the Elephant: Improving the CITES Framework, 12 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS (March, 1989)
  • William C.G. Burns, Asian Compliance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, 29 INDIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (1989)
  • William C.G. Burns, Asian Compliance with CITES: Problems and Prospects, 5(2) BOSTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL 311-26 (1987)

3. Book Chapters/Sections

  • Duncan McClaren, Wil Burns, Debate 9: Negative-Emission Technologies -It Would Be Irresponsible, Unethical, and Unlawful to Rely on NETs at Large Scale Instead of Mitigation, DEBATING CLIMATE LAW (Co-author, and lead author: Duncan McLaren) (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
  • Wil Burns, The Law of Climate Carbon Dioxide Removal, LAW OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (ELI, Thomson-Reuters, 2021)
  • Wil Burns, Human Rights Dimensions of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: A Framework for Climate Justice in the Realm of Climate Geoengineering, CLIMATE JUSTICE: CASE STUDIES IN GLOBAL AND REGIONAL CHALLENGES (Randy Abate, ed., Environmental Law Institute Press, 2016)
  • Wil Burns, Simon Nicholson, Climate Geoengineering: Promise or Peril on a New Earth?, NEW EARTH POLITICS (Nicholson & Jinnah, eds., MIT Press, 2016) (co-author: Simon Nicholson)
  • Wil Burns, Sites for Sore Eyes: The World Heritage Convention and the Specter of Climate Change, in CLIMATE CHANGE LAW AND POLICY: A READER (William Rodgers & Michael Robinson-Dorn, editors, Carolina Academic 2010)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Exigency for Climate Change Litigation, ADJUDICATING THE CLIMATE: INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CAUSES OF ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (William C.G. Burns & Hari Osofsky, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2009)
  • William C.G. Burns, Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Ocean Acidification: The Potential Impacts on Ocean Biodiversity, in SAVING BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY: BALANCING PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED SPECIES AND ECOSYSTEMS (Springer 2008)
  • Katherine O’Neill, Wil Burns, Trade Liberalization and Global Environmental Governance: The Potential for Conflict, in HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS (Edward Elgar, 2005)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Cetaceans, in THE FUTURE OF CETACEANS IN A CHANGING WORLD, (William C.G. Burns & Alexander Gillespie editors, 2003, Transnational Publishers)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Freshwater Resources of Pacific Island Developing Countries, in THE WORLD’S WATER (Peter H. Gleick, ed., Volume 3, Island Press, 2002)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Impact of Climate Change on Pacific Island Developing Countries, in CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC: IMPACTS AND RESPONSES IN AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AND SMALL ISLAND STATES (Alexander Gillespie & William C.G. Burns, eds., 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers)

4. Encyclopedia Entries

  • Wil Burns, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, GREEN ISSUES AND DEBATES (Sage 2011)
  • Wil Burns, Carbon Taxes to Address Climate Change, THE GREEN SERIES: TOWARD A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT, Volume I: Green Energy (Sage 2010)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Impacts of Globalization on Biodiversity, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GLOBALIZATION (R. Robertson & J.A. Scholte, editors, Routledge 2006)

5. Reports, Position Papers, Contributions to Proceedings

  • Wil Burns & Shuchi Talati, The Solar Geoengineering Ecosystem: Key Actors Across the Landscape of the Field, Report of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering & The Forum on Climate Engineering Assessment (2023
  • (Contributing author) Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: Current state of knowledge and potential role of philanthropy, September 9th, CEA 2019 Meeting Proceedings (2019)
  • Marine Geoengineering Governance, Center for International Governance Innovation, Special Report (2019) (lead author: Kerryn Brent)
  • Why Talk About Carbon Removal?, Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy (2018) (lead author: David Morrow)
  • A Response to Reynolds, et. al., Five Solar Geoengineering Tropes that have Outstayed their Welcome, FCEA Comments Paper (November 2016)
  • Neil Craik & Wil Burns, Climate Engineering under the Paris Agreement: A Legal & Policy Primer, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Special Report, Nov. 1, 2016 (co-author: A. Neil Craik)
  • Wil Burns, The Paris Agreement and Climate Geoengineering Governance: The Need for a Human Rights-Based Component, Centre for International Governance Innovation Papers, No. 111 (October, 2016)
  • (Co-author with other committee members), Legal Principles Related to Climate Change, Report of the International Law Association, Climate Change Law Committee (2014)
  • (Co-author with other committee members), Terms in the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea or in Convention Analysis that the Convention Does Not Define, Report of the International Law Association (American Branch), Law of the Sea Committee (2007)
  • William C.G. Burns & Mark Simmonds, Precautionary Principle Guidelines: Progress Report, Scientific Committee, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, CS2/Doc17 (2003)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Second Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention: One Step Forward, Many More to Go, P.C.I.S. International Security Occasional Paper Series, No. 5 (1988)
  • William C.G. Burns, The Legality of Nuclear Weapons under International Law, P.C.I.S. International Security Occasional Paper Series, No. 3 (1988)

6. Book Reviews

  • Wil Burns, International Law: Cases and Materials (Don Anton, et al.), 7 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS: POLITICS, LAW & ECONOMICS (2007)

  • Wil Burns, National Governance and the Global Climate Change Regime (Dana R. Fisher), 5(3) GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS (2005)

7. Newspaper Op-Eds/Commentaries

  • Wil Burns, A Trillion Trees to fight climate change sounds nice. Here’s what it misses, INDIANAPOLIS STAR, Dec. 20, 2020
  • Wil Burns, The Future of Clean Coal, THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT (Norfolk), Dec. 31, 2016
  • Wil Burns, Dangers of Trying to Set Earth’s Thermostat, USA TODAY, August 11, 2013
    Wil Burns & Andrew Strauss, Bush’s Climate Change Initiative is Not Enough, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, February 27, 2002 
    Wil Burns, Alternative Energy and Better Mileage Rules Can Offset a Mideast Oil Shutoff, COLUMBUS DISPATCH, November 12, 2001 and 12 other papers with a total circulation of over 1.1 million.
    Wil Burns & Kate O’Neill, Nuclear Power Comes Out Swinging, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, May 16, 2001 
    Wil Burns, The Case Not Made for Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, February 19, 2001
    Wil Burns, U.S. Should Lead the Way on Global Warming, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, December 3, 2000

8. Online Publications

8. Online Publications

8. Online Publications

9. Guest Editorships

  • Wil Burns, Associate Editor, Climate Change, Food Security, and Land Management (2024)
  • Wil Burns, Guest Advisor, special collection on greenhouse gas removal, Carbon Management (2023)
  • Wil Burns & Simon Nicholson, Fall/Winter issue of CLIMATE LAW, special issue on climate geoengineering law (2015) (co-editor, Simon Nicholson)

  • Wil Burns, Spring & Summer issues of the CARBON & CLIMATE LAW REVIEW (2013), special issues on climate geoengineering law

  • Wil Burns & D.G. Webster, Special issue on fisheries, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & SCIENCES (Summer 2013)

  • Wil Burns, GHG MARKET REPORT: 2012, International Emissions Trading Report (Board of Editors)
    Wil Burns, Special Issue on the Precautionary Principle and Biodiversity: 5(1-2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES (2004)

10. Bibliographies

  • Negative Emissions Technologies & Carbon Dioxide Removal,
  • Climate Geoengineering,
  • Environmental Change and Its Impact on Species/Ecosystems/Agriculture,
  • Agreement on Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area,
  • DNA Testing and Cetaceans,
  • Small Cetaceans,
  • Impacts of Pollution on Cetaceans,

11. Online Projects

  • Creator, Environmental Justice Resources on the Net, Tulane University Law School,
  • Principal Investigator, Geoengineering Ethics Project, University of Montana, The Center for Ethics,
  • Creator, International Wildlife Law Project of the International Law Association – American Branch: International Environmental Law Group,
  • Creator & Administrator, Teaching Climate Change Law & Policy Blog,
  • Creator and Coordinator, The Precautionary Principle Project (P3),