The three main themes surrounding my outreach involvement are:
- Increasing the retention of under-represented minorities in Physics and STEM.
- Making research accessible to students of all backgrounds.
- Advocating for mental health in academia.
Select recent outreach activities resonating with these themes are:
- Course development on the contributions of women in astrophysics. See Teaching page for more.
- Co-chair for Northwestern’s 2019 APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) with Prof. Zosia Krusberg. Learn more: “Northwestern Hosts Regional Conference for Women in Physics“
- Partnership with Evanston Township High School to create an accessible planetarium show (NSF AST-1814782)
- Co-facilitator for Bad River Ojibwe Tribe visit to Northwestern
- STEM Superstar lecture for Project Scientist Orange County chapter
Past efforts include creating mentoring programs for graduate students and post-docs at Harvard and the University of Arizona. Please contact me for additional details if you are interested in starting your own mentoring program!