Professional development

As part of our mission, WESAM hosts department, alumni, Northwestern, and outside speakers to discuss professional development for the group. The talks have been wide ranging.


Professional Outreach in WESAM

  1. Discussion with Madhav Mani on the academic job track. He compiled advice from friends.
  2. Workshop with Daniel Moser on speaking skills, interview/job search skills, and making good first impressions. See his speaking and presenting resources here.
  3. Held a Skype Meeting Samantha (Oestreicher) Schumacher from Target Corporation to discuss job opportunities in industry, specifically at large corporations.
  4. Paul Jones from the Patankar lab spoke about mentorship. We decided to start a mentorship initiative (headed by Vicky Yang) to mentor undergraduates in research, hosted a student tea on it  and follow up research presentations to recruit undergrads.
  5. Hosted ESAM alumna Haley Yaple for a dinner to discuss teaching faculty positions at liberal arts colleges.