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Peer to Peer Learning

We strongly believe that one of the best ways we learn is from each other. Weinberg staff are masters of everything from university systems to methods for managing organizational change. Whether we are sharing best practices or providing advice and mentorship, peer to peer learning is one of the core principles of our mission.

Opportunities to present to and learn from one another can be found at the

Weinberg Best Practices ForumShow Us Series

Past Peer to Peer Learning Events

Panel Discussion: What resources have helped influence your career path? January 12, 2017

Panelists Kathleen Daniels (English), Deavon Mitchell (Mathematics), Tara Sadera (McCormick School of Engineering), Nicole Schneider (MMSS), and moderator, Danny Fisher (Weinberg Dean’s Office) discussed resources that helped to build their careers. A synopsis of the advice, ideas, and thoughts can be found here.


Speed-Networking  August 29th,  2017 

Participants spent an hour having short, timed conversations with each other, switching partners every four minutes. The event provided an opportunity for staff from different areas of Weinberg to meet each other and begin conversations. 27 people attended the event across all areas of Weinberg.