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  • 06-07-2023  Congratulations to our Ph.D. students Arjun Kharel and Jian Shen for publishing a new paper, “ Loss of PBAF Promotes Expansion and Effector Differentiation of CD8+ T Cell during Chronic Viral Infection and Cancer,” in Cell Reports.
  • 05-18-2023  Congratulations to former graduate student Moujtaba Kasmani for receiving the Best Dissertation Award at MCW 2023 Commencement.
  • 04-07-2023  Congratulations to Ashley Brown on the F30 Award from NIH for to study “Mechanisms by which PIM kinase modulates the effector function of autoreactive CD8 T cells in type 1 diabetes.” (1F30DK132807-01A1).
  • 03-11-2023 See the new paper and congratulate our former postdoctoral fellow Ryan Zender for publishing a new paper, “ Exhausted CD8+ T cells face a developmental fork in the road” in Trends in Immunology
  • 03-05-2023 Congratulations to our former lab member Matthew Kudek for publishing a new paper, “ Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Clone 13 Infection Results in CD8 T Cell-Mediated Host Mortality in Diacylglycerol Kinase α-Deficient Mice” in The Journal of Immunology.
  • 01-02-2023 Check out the new paper and join us in congratulating our former graduate student Moujtaba Kasmani on the publication of his new paper, “Clonal lineage tracing reveals mechanisms skewing CD8+ T cell fate decisions in chronic infection,” in Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM).