I am an assistant professor in philosophy and affiliated faculty in both linguistics and cognitive science at Northwestern University. My PhD in philosophy was earned in 2018 from Rutgers University, New Brunswick where I was also a member of the Center for Cognitive Science.
My work begins in the philosophy of language. Sometimes it swings through bordering areas within philosophy (incl. epistemology and philosophy of mind). Sometimes it veers through adjacent areas of cognitive science. But it is almost always about words and what we do with them.
As of late, my work has focused on the semantics and pragmatics of clause types. I am currently writing a book titled How we do things with declaratives, which is under contract with Oxford University Press. The aim of this project is to explain the pragmatics of declaratives as a byproduct of social cognition. You can get a feel for it here.
You can find me on PhilPapers, Google Scholar, ORCID, the Philosophy Tree, and near Lake Michigan in either Evanston, IL, or Milwaukee, WI where I live with my family.