
I am an assistant professor in philosophy and affiliated faculty in both linguistics and cognitive science at Northwestern University. My PhD in philosophy was earned in 2018 from Rutgers University, New Brunswick where I was also a member of the Center for Cognitive Science.

I work in philosophy of language and mind, and bordering areas of epistemology. As of late, my work has focused on the semantics and pragmatics of clause types. I am currently writing a book titled How we do things with declaratives. The aim of this project is to explain the pragmatics of declaratives as a byproduct of social cognition (e.g. event cognition, mindreading, norm cognition). You can get a feel for it here.

You can find me on PhilPapers, Google Scholar, ORCID, the Philosophy Tree, and near Lake Michigan in either Evanston or Milwaukee where I live with my family.

curriculum vitae