321 Mechanics in Nano- and Micro-scale Material Design: Synthesis, Experiments, Theory and Simulation

Xiaoding Wei, Peking University

Minqiang Jiang, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science

This symposium addresses recent advances in fundamental mechanics related to nano- and micro-scale material development, synthesis, experimental characterization, theory and modeling. Topics of interest (but not limited to) include: 1). Multi-scale mechanics of engineered, biological, and multi-functional materials 2). Synthesis of materials with nano- or micro-scale structures, or hierarchical composites consist of multi-scale structures. 3). Multi-scale experimentation design and characterization of constitutive laws of nano- and micro-scale materials to reveal the structure-property relationships. 4). Theory, simulation and modeling of nano- and micro-scale materials or composites with multilevel hierarchy.

Keywords: material systems, nano- and micro-

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