Tullman-Ercek Group
Laboratory for Engineering Membrane Proteins and Protein Membranes
Team DTE
Principal Investigator
Danielle Tullman-Ercek
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
ercek at northwestern.edu
Postdoctoral Fellows
Carolyn Mills
Postdoctoral fellow
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
cemills at northwestern.edu
PhDÂ Students
Nolan Kennedy
IBiS Program, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University
nolankennedy2019 at u.northwestern.edu
NSF GRFP and BTP Training Grant
Brett J. Palmero
Jordan Summers
Daniel de Castro Assumpcao
daniel.c.a at u.northwestern.edu
Elizabeth Johnson
elizabethjohnson2026 at u.northwestern.edu
Maddie Joseph
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University
madelinejoseph2027 at u.northwestern.edu
NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Co-advised by Prof. Jennifer Dunn
Annie Gomez
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
anniegomez2027 at u.northwestern.edu
GEM Fellow
Co-advised by Prof. Monica Olvera de la Cruz
Jake Miller
IBiS Program, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University
jacobmiller2028 at u.northwestern.edu
Shiqi Liang
IBiS Program, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University
shiqiliang2027 at u.northwestern.edu
Rogelio Alvarado
IBiS Program, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University
rogelioalvarado2028 at u.northwestern.edu
Masters Students
Dhanvi Vemulapalli
Master of Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Emily Gamero
Master of Science in Biotechnology
Ashleigh Acker
Master of Science in Biotechnology
Visiting Scholars
James Bevington
jbevingt at gmail.com