From Northwestern Center for Synthetic Biology:

To jump-start the design and engineering of synthetic cells, the National Science Foundation has awarded an 800k grant to researchers at Northwestern’s Center for Synthetic Biology. NSF’s Design and Engineering of Synthetic Cells and Cell Components program (DESYN-C3) helps to address one of NSF’s 10 BIG Ideas, “Understanding the Rules of Life.” Neha Kamat (PI, BME), Danielle Tullman-Ercek (Co-PI, CBE), and Neda Bagheri (Co-PI, CBE) along with their colleagues in the Center of Synthetic Biology, will investigate how compartmentalization strategies can be used to make complex biological molecules without requiring biological cells. Their project is titled “RAISE: DESYN-C3: A Platform for Modular Pseudo-Organelles for Compartmentalization and Control of Pseudo-Cell Processes.”

Read the rest of the article here: NSF Awards Center for Synthetic Biology Researchers to Engineer Synthetic Cells: Center for Synthetic Biology – Northwestern University