From Northwestern Engineering News:
Northwestern University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), recognized leaders in the growing field of synthetic biology, recently received significant grant awards from the Army for basic research projects involving large interdisciplinary teams. These awards are part of the Army’s recently established basic research center that applies synthetic biology to design advanced materials and to engineer environmental microbial communities.
The Northwestern-led project is titled “The Center for Predictive Materials Design (PreMaDe).” This team includes Northwestern Engineering’s Michael Jewett (principal investigator), Nathan Gianneschi, Neha Kamat, Julius Lucks, and Danielle Tullman-Ercek, as well as researchers from Johns Hopkins University, MIT, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Read the rest of the article here: Northwestern and MIT Receive Funding from Army’s Synthetic Biology Center | News | Northwestern Engineering