This course utilized many digital tools throughout the quarter and in the final projects, including personal and professional digitization equipment; hand-coded websites; and other technologies such as:
- iMovie,
- NewHive,
- Prezi,
- StoryMapJS,
- TimelineJS,
- Tumblr,
- Voyant,
- and, of course, the technology of the book.
Readings included works by authors such as:
- Plato,
- Locke,
- Wordsworth,
- Shelley,
- Saussure,
- Gaskell,
- Stallybrass,
- de Grazia,
- Masten,
- Heidegger,
- Lacan,
- Derrida,
- Wittgenstein,
- Hayles,
- and Drucker.