Standard NSDA rules for extemporaneous speaking, available on the NSDA website (www.speechanddebate.org), will apply: contestants will have thirty minutes to prepare and seven minutes to deliver a speech addressing one of three topics. Each round will be themed; topic areas will be posted to the TOC Extemp website on April 28, 2025. All questions will be taken from newspapers and magazines between January 1, 2025 through the day of the event.
Internet access will be allowed. However, students may not use the internet to gain help from coaches, other students, or any person, such that it would prevent the speech from being the original work of the competitor. Students are prohibited from accessing outlines and speeches that have been written prior to their draw time. The TOC Extemp reserves the right to disqualify any student that is found in violation of these rules.
Please be aware that representatives from the tournament will be watching rounds at random points throughout the event to record and verify sources. Any student found to be using a source inaccurately in order to manipulate the audience will be disqualified from the tournament.
Competitors are guaranteed five preliminary rounds. Rounds I through III will be randomly assigned, while rounds IV and V will be seeded. Each round will be evaluated by three judges, each of whom will rank competitors 1st through 5th. The lowest two rankings for each contestant will be dropped, and the top contestants will advance to elimination rounds. Advancement will be based on (1) best cumulative rankings (2) reciprocals.
Those contestants advancing to the first elimination round will be announced on Sunday morning. Elimination rounds will be seeded, and sectioning will not be broken to avoid placement of contestants from the same school in the same rounds. The tournament will include cross-examination in elimination rounds. Quarterfinals and semifinals will be evaluated by five judges each. The top three contestants in each section will advance to the next round. Advancement will be based on (1) best cumulative rankings (2) judges’ preference (3) reciprocals (4) preliminary rankings. Each break is clean; no previous results will be considered except in the case of an otherwise unbreakable tie. The final round will be evaluated by seven judges.