Past Questions/Panels

For the sake of transparency and education, we decided to post all of the paneled questions from the 2023 Extemp TOC. Please note that these were paneled in preparation for the competition May 6-7. Thank you to Alex Lawson (Weinberg ’24) and the alumni of the NU Speech Team for spending countless hours writing and paneling these questions.

Feel free to review these in coaching sessions or in anticipation of the 2024 Extemp Tournament of Champions. Please do not use these for your own tournaments (for so many reasons):

Round 1: US Econ

Speaker 1

  • Does AI chatbot technology pose a real threat to Google’s search dominance?
  • Should the Federal Reserve increase interest rates at their June 2023 meeting?
  • How will the decline of commercial real estate impact the US economy?

Speaker 2

  • Will geothermal energy become a meaningful player in the US energy industry?
  • How should the US federal government address the national debt, long-term?
  • Does the New Republic Bank repossession further the risk of a US banking collapse?

Speaker 3

  • How will the EPA’s proposed tailpipe emission standards impact the US auto industry?
  • What steps should local governments take to best capitalize on the Inflation Reduction Act?
  • Will President Biden and Senate Republicans be able to avert a debt ceiling crisis?

Speaker 4

  • How will Tucker Carlson’s departure affect Fox’s financial prospects?
  • What are the long-term consequences of the digital dollar?
  • Has Biden’s financial policy successfully created a “soft landing” for inflation?

Speaker 5

  • Will the CHIPS Act make the US a world leader in semiconductor manufacturing in the long-term?
  • What steps should California take to address its housing price crisis?
  • What new regulations should the Federal Reserve implement to prevent future bank collapses?

Speaker 6

  • Will the WGA strike lead to meaningful gains for writers?
  • Will the Federal Reserve’s most recent increase in interest rates be enough to achieve its target inflation goal?
  • What does the change made by the FHFA last Monday to housing loan fees mean for the housing market?

Speaker 7

  • What is the future of the Metaverse given Meta’s recent turbulence?
  • Should the US reimpose tariffs on Chinese solar panels?
  • Will PacWest Bank be the next to fail?

Round 2: Asia, Middle East, Oceania

Speaker 1

  • What is the most likely outcome of the upcoming Turkish Election?
  • Will Indonesia’s plan to protect Jakarta from environmental catastrophe be successful?
  • Were Ambassador Lu Shaye’s comments on post-Soviet states’ sovereignty a death knell for China’s relations with Eastern Europe?

Speaker 2

  • What should the international community do to intervene in the treatment of Afghan women?
  • What will be the outcome of upcoming Thai elections?
  • Should New Zealand abandon King Charles III as head of state?

Speaker 3

  • Will Netanyahu’s proposed judicial reforms eventually pass?
  • Is Kazakhstan in similar peril to Russian aggression as Ukraine?
  • Will the DPP lose power in Taiwan’s 2024 elections? 

Speaker 4

  • How will improving relations between Egypt and Türkiye impact the Middle East?
  • Will Malaysia’s governing coalition win in upcoming state elections?
  • Has the first year of Yoon Suk-yeol’s presidency been a success?

Speaker 5

  • Will Saudi Arabia’s Events Investment Fund improve Saudi Arabian regional influence in the long run?
  • Following Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification from Parliament, what steps should the Congress party take to challenge the BJP?
  • Will Japan pass an LGBTQ rights bill by the end of the year?

Speaker 6

  • What will be the consequences of Saudi Arabia and Iran’s proposed retreat from Yemen?
  • Will Imran Khan’s legal jeopardy be enough to overshadow inflation in deciding Pakistan’s 2023 elections?
  • How should Hong Kong’s pro-democracy parties respond to the plan to cut directly elected District Council seats?

Speaker 7

  • Will Iran’s recent crackdown on women’s rights amplify the country’s protest movement?
  • Will guarantees of individual rights in Uzbekistan’s recent constitutional reforms be upheld in practice?
  • How will decreasing trade tensions impact the broader Sino-Australian relationship?

Round 3: Europe/The Americas

Speaker 1

  • What can Germany do to make good on its pledge to build up its military?
  • What can Javier Milei do to better his chances in the upcoming Argentine presidential election?
  • Would an international intervention in Haiti actually resolve the country’s turmoil?

Speaker 2

  • How will Greece’s New Democracy Party fare in upcoming elections?
  • Will Chile’s plan to nationalize the lithium industry be a net positive for the Chilean economy?
  • Will Guatemala maintain its relationship with Taiwan in the long run?

Speaker 3

  • How will the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism impact the global fight against climate change?
  • Should Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou withdraw his pension reform proposal?
  • What should be the primary political issue of the candidate seeking to win Mexico’s 2024 presidential election?

Speaker 4

  • Will the Polish ban of Ukrainian grain imports lead to a further decrease in the country’s support for Ukraine?
  • Will Lula’s attempt to elevate a new BRICS currency over the US dollar succeed?
  • Will other Central American countries follow Nayib Bukele’s governance model?

Speaker 5

  • How will the recently signed “Declaration of Russia’s Democratic Forces” affect Russian politics?
  • Will Gustavo Petro’s recent Cabinet purge bleed his support from the electorate?
  • Should other nations look to Cuba’s new family code as a means of legislating LGBT rights?

Speaker 6

  • What should the Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation do to support opposition politicians in Russia?
  • Will Guillermo Lasso be impeached and removed from office?
  • Is Canada overreacting to fears of Chinese election meddling?

Speaker 7

  • How will Finland’s NATO accession escalate regional conflicts?
  • Will Dina Boluarte remain in office through 2026?
  • How will the coronation of King Charles impact the Caribbean Commonwealth?

Round 4: US Politics

Speaker 1

  • Are recent Trump endorsements by the Florida congressional delegation a death knell for any potential DeSantis campaign?
  • Should Dick Durbin support abolishing the blue slip practice?
  • Will the Tennessee House’s expulsion of Justin Pearson and Justin Jones make the Democratic Party more competitive in Tennessee politics?

Speaker 2

  • How can Biden best shore up enthusiasm for his campaign among young voters?
  • Assuming the GOP keeps its opposition to deficits, how should Republicans approach upcoming debt ceiling talks?
  • Will Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson’s plan for Chicago Public Schools succeed?

Speaker 3

  • How will Biden’s immigration policy impact his presidential campaign?
  • What substantive changes, if any, should be made to the US intelligence classification and clearance regime?
  • What should the next steps of Montana politician Zooey Zephyr be?

Speaker 4

  • What should the Biden Administration do to shore up weakening public support for Ukraine?
  • What should the Republican Party do to ensure higher-quality candidates win Senate primaries in 2024?
  • What does Kentucky Governor Andy Bershear need to do to be reelected?

Speaker 5

  • Who should Biden pick as the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs?
  • How can Katie Porter maximize her odds in California’s 2024 Senate race?
  • Will other states mimic New York’s ban on natural gas in new residential buildings?

Speaker 6

  • Will Trump’s plan to skip one or more presidential primary debates hinder his chances against his Republican challengers?
  • What should Senate Democrats do to overcome Feinstein’s absence on the Judiciary Committee?
  • How can the Florida Democratic Party best position itself to regain relevance?

Speaker 7

  • How will Trump’s indictment affect his election prospects?
  • Will the INSULIN Act of 2023 pass Congress?
  • How should Salt Lake City balance population growth with attempts to preserve the Great Salt Lake?

Round 5: International Economics

Speaker 1

  • Will relaxed US restrictions on Venezuela’s oil exports lead to a Venezuelan economic revival?
  • What will be the economic impact of Scotland’s experiments with a four day workweek?
  • Will Zimbabwe’s planned digital currency stem the country’s inflation?

Speaker 2

  • Is Cambodia’s trade deal with the UAE a boon or bane for Cambodia?
  • Is Lula de Silva taking the right approach to Brazil’s economic problems?
  • What will be the result of Microsoft’s likely appeal against the UK Competition and Market Authority’s decision to block its Activision merger?

Speaker 3

  • Will the Philippines regain preferential trade status with the US?
  • Is there any end in sight to Argentina’s inflation crisis?
  • Can Toyota pull off its pivot to EVs?

Speaker 4

  • How can Chile best capitalize on increasing international demand for lithium?
  • What steps should Spain take to address its endemic youth unemployment?
  • Is the yuan a credible alternative to the US dollar in international transactions?

Speaker 5

  • Will the EU’s plans to limit imports of Russian LNG hurt European economies more than Russia’s?
  • Does AMLO’s centralization of political power pose a threat to Mexico’s economy?
  • Will Saudi Arabia be able to pull off an economic transition from oil production to business and tourism?

Speaker 6

  • What impact will Saudi Arabia’s closer relationship with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have on its economy?
  • Can Gustavo Petro diversify the Colombian economy away from petrochemicals?
  • Is Apple’s choice to increase its investment in India wise?

Speaker 7

  • What should the WTO do about rising protectionism?
  • Should Thailand’s central bank lower interest rates?
  • What should the UK do to bring inflation in line?

Round 6: US Social Issues

Speaker 1

  • What should be done to prevent “judge shopping”?
  • Should the government hold social media companies accountable for their role in the teenage mental health crisis, and if so, how?
  • How should state governments prepare for the possibility of mifepristone becoming illegal?

Speaker 2

  • Do Justice Thomas’ recently exposed potentially unethical actions undermine his past rulings?
  • Should Illinois become the third state to ban the declawing of cats?
  • What effect will new AI technologies have on healthcare?

Speaker 3

  • How can the federal government prepare for the Supreme Court striking Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council?
  • What should parents of trans children do to respond to new transphobic laws?
  • Can other governors implement similar take-overs of colleges as Desantis has in New College?

Speaker 4

  • Considering the overturning of Roe, what should be the next steps of the anti-abortion movement?
  • How can the Obama Presidential Centre safeguard against gentrification concerns?
  • What will be the impact of the FDA relaxing its regulations of blood donations from gay and bisexual men?

Speaker 5

  • Should the Supreme Court’s use of the shadow docket be substantially curtailed?
  • Which state will pass the nation’s next restrictive abortion law?
  • What can be done to combat racism in medical AI technologies?

Speaker 6

  • What long-term effect, if any, will Dominion and Smartmatic’s defamation lawsuits have on Fox News?
  • How can states prepare for the Supreme Court striking down the Indian Child Welfare Act?
  • How can the CDC reverse pandemic-era increases in fentanyl overdoses?

Speaker 7

  • What regulations can be put in place to limit how law schools, such as Scalia Law School, affect SCOTUS justices?
  • How should the Supreme Court respond to the motion filed by Oklahoma AG regarding Richard Glossip?
  • How can public universities prevent the defunding of DEI initiatives?

Quarterfinals: Africa

Speaker 1

  • How should the US respond to drought in East Africa?
  • What reforms can South Africa implement to provide additional protection for whistleblowers?
  • What is next for Cameroon’s separatist conflict?

Speaker 2

  • Can the US do more to protect LGBTQ rights in Uganda?
  • Have security concerns abated enough for Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado LNG project to resume?
  • What should Kenya prioritize in disbursement of drought relief funds?

Speaker 3

  • Did the US-Africa Leaders Summit provide a good baseline for US relations with African states?
  • What are the likely long-term effects of rising authoritarianism in Tunisia?
  • Can Somalia’s government maintain the gains it has achieved against al-Shabaab?

Speaker 4

  • How will the Biden Administration’s proposed security aid to West Africa impact terrorism in the region?
  • Given recent legal roadblocks, will the Namibian Supreme Court uphold LGBTQ+ rights?
  • Will peace talks between the Ethiopian government and Oromo Liberation Army be successful?

Speaker 5

  • Should the US intervene in Sudan beyond evacuations?
  • What should Nigerian President Bola Tinubu prioritize first in office?
  • Should the UN withdraw its peacekeeping force from Mali?

Speaker 6

  • Will Kamala Harris’s recent African trip have a lasting impact on American business interests on the continent?
  • How will Sierra Leone’s opposition party fare in its June elections?
  • Will Sudanese factions allow international aid to reach those in need?

Speaker 7

  • Should the US do more to support Libya in its attempts to hold elections?
  • What steps should the African Union take to combat corruption in its member states?
  • What more should be done to assist Chad in its response to the recent influx of Sudanese refugees?

Semifinals: Hypotheticals

Speaker 1

  • Tucker Carlson runs for President. Does he win the GOP’s nomination?
  • French protesters blow up the Eiffel Tower, threatening to continue targeting French monuments until Macron revokes his retirement reform. Does Macron concede?
  • Putin leaves office to pursue poetry and horse riding. How does his exit impact the Russia-Ukraine war?

Speaker 2

  • Janet Yellen mints the trillion-dollar platinum coin and deposits it in the Treasury. How do markets react?
  • South African police find Cyril Ramaphosa’s stolen money in a jar labeled “proceeds of corruption” and he resigns out of shame. Can the ANC recover from his ouster before the 2024 elections?
  • Britain shows up to Brussels in the rain with a boombox asking to be let back in. Does the EU allow them to rejoin?

Speaker 3

  • Biden decides to take a 4-year cross country Amtrak tour instead of running for re-election. Who wins the 2024 Democratic primary?
  • Argentina implements its IMF deal, but like for real this time. Does Argentine inflation calm down?
  • A wizard unifies North and South Korea and they ally with the US. How should China respond?

Speaker 4

  • The Supreme Court rules that the independent state legislature theory is law. Can the Democrats remain nationally competitive?
  • King Charles dramatically renounces his throne, declaring monarchy an evil form of government. Will the UK maintain the monarchy?
  • Erdogan’s government loses its majority in upcoming elections. Will Türkiye’s government change lead to the restarting of EU accession talks?

Speaker 5

  • Merrick Garland steals Marty Walsh’s idea and takes a job as the head of the MLB Player’s Association. Who should Biden replace him with?
  • Ukraine’s spring counteroffensive is dramatically successful, with the Ukrainians recapturing all occupied territory. Will Russia sue for peace?
  • Brazil demands repatriation of Jair Bolsanaro even though he has yet to be charged with a crime. Does the US comply?

Speaker 6

  • Documents emerge conclusively proving that Clarence Thomas took bribes. Do House Republicans entertain articles of impeachment?
  • Nicolas Maduro decides that it really wasn’t worth it, and steps down. Is Juan Guaidó the best bet for Venezuela’s opposition in the next election?
  • Trump is elected president in 2024 and stops the supply of US arms to Ukraine. Can the Ukrainian war effort recover?

Speaker 7

  • Elon Musk gets ratioed on Twitter so hard he starts requiring a Twitter Blue subscription to use the app. What other social media site benefits the most?
  • Benjamin Netanyahu’s various corruption trials all find him guilty and he retires from public life to spend more time with his fellow prisoners. Who succeeds him as Israeli PM?
  • Russia presents conclusive evidence that Ukraine launched an attempt to assassinate Vladimir Putin. How do allies react?

Finals: Triads

Speaker 1

  • What should the UN Security Council do to support the East African Community’s intervention in the DRC?
  • Can Saudi Arabia be an honest broker between the RSF and the Sudanese government?
  • Can Tunisia pursue closer relations with China without jeopardizing their relationship with the US?

Speaker 2

  • How should China respond to heightened nuclear cooperation between the US and South Korea?
  • Will Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt come to an agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam?
  • Can Macron lead European NATO members to strategic autonomy from the United States?

Speaker 3

  • Can the Czech Republic push the EU to develop closer ties with Taiwan?
  • Can Afghanistan leverage their upcoming meeting with China and Pakistan to end their international isolation?
  • How can South Africa balance competing pressures from the US and Russia around the ICC arrest warrant for Putin?

Speaker 4

  • Will Indonesia’s efforts to broker peace between Myanmar’s military junta and its opposition movement prove successful?
  • Can Uzbekistan work with Turkmenistan to achieve agreeable water distribution as Afghanistan builds the Qosh Tepa canal?
  • How should Ukraine seek to drive a wedge between China and Russia?

Speaker 5

  • Does the recent Saudi-Iranian rapprochement threaten a lasting deterioration in Israel’s security?
  • Will increased cooperation between Spain and Brazil lead to the ratification of the EU-Mercosur trade deal?
  • What should Colombia do to facilitate better relations between the US and Venezuela?

Speaker 6

  • How will Syria’s impending return to the Arab League impact relations between the League and the US?
  • How should China respond to Singapore’s support for AUKUS?
  • How should Sweden seek to convince Hungary and Türkiye to accept its bid to join NATO?