Run for Exec/Committee Positions
The best way to get involved with Tau Beta Pi is to join our Executive Committee. Ideally, we would love to have more exec positions to help us with organising outreach, philanthropy, fundraising events. While election is normally held at the Spring quarter, we are always looking for members to join Exec, even outside of our normal election cycles. If you are interested, shoot us an email at
Not a member(yet)?
Most of our events are geared to not just the our members, but to the broader McCormick and Northwestern community. Ultimately, our honor society aims to provide value to every engineers on campus. Everyone is encouraged to reach out to us about events you would like us to host and join our listserv. Underclassmen are especially welcome to reach out if you need any advice about your engineering journey.
Tau Beta Pi is supported by our generous donors across the Northwestern and national TBP community. Without their contributions, we would not be able to keep our club accessible and achieve the community impact that we have been able to make. To sustain the chapter in the long term, the continued gifts to our endowment would be invaluable. It will truly make a difference to the Engineering education experience at Northwestern. As a 501c(3) organization, any donations made to us is tax deductible.
Giving to Student Organizations & Activities : | Northwestern Student Affairs