Select Publications

For a complete list, visit Prof. Dayne Swearer’s Google Scholar Page


Hershey, M., Lu, G., North, J.D., bf Swearer, D.F.; Mie Resonant Metal Oxide Nanospheres for Broadband Photocatalytic Enhancements, ACS Nano, 2024, 18,28,18493-18502. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c03913

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Khan, J.I., Yang, Yi., Palmer, J., Tyndall, S., Chaudhuri, S., Liu, C., Grater, L., North, J.D., Chen, B., Young, R.M., Schatz, G.C., Wasielewski, M.R., Kanatzidis, M.G., Swearer, D.F., Sargent, E.H.; Evaluation of interfacial processes by transient spectroscopy in perovskite solar cells; Matter, 2024, 7, 7, 2536 – 2550. DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.05.04  

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Allen, M., Bediako, L., Bowman, W.J., Calabrese, M., Caretta, L., Cersonsky, R.K., Chen, W., Correa, S., Davidson, R., Dresselhaus-Marais, L., Eisler, C.N., Furst, A., Ge, T., Hook, A., Hsu, Y-T., Jia, C., Lu, J., Lunghi, A., Messina, M.S., Moreno-Hernandez, I.A., Nichols, E., Rao, R., Seifrid, M., Shulenberger, K.E., Simonov,A.N., Su, X., Swearer, D.F., Tang, E., Taylor, M.K., Tran, H., Trindade, G.F., Truby, R., Utzat, H., Yang, Y., Yee, D.W., Zhao, S., Cranford, S.; 35+1 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2023; Matter, 2023, 6, 2480–2487. DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2023.06.046 

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Bourgeois, B.B., Carlin, C., Angell, D., Swearer, D.F., Cheng, W-H, Dai, A., Yuan, L., Dionne, J.; Linking atomic and reactor scale plasmon photocatalysis in acetylene hydrogenation with optically coupled ETEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2023, 1, 29, 1289-1299. DOI: 10.1093/micmic/ozad067.664

(i) EELS spectra and (ii/iii) maps of Pd nanoprisms in both H-rich β phase and H-poor α phase under 400 Pa and 0 Pa H2 pressure, respectively. The red-shifted tip-mode of the hydride phase Pd prism overlaps well with our 450 nm excitation laser. (iv) Defect contrast imaging of the β to α phase transition “in the dark” in which the β phase is false-colored purple [7]. (v) Nucleation statistics for phase transformations with and without laser illumination showing a strong site preference for sharper tips (higher EM fields) when the system is illuminated.

Swearer, D., Liu, H., Monitoring Nanoscale Optical Excitations and Energy Transfer with Optically Coupled Electron Microscopy, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023, Q17, 002.


De la Peña T.A., Ma, R., Xinge, Z., Wei, Q., Khan, J.I., Young,R.M., Hai,Y., Garcia, S.A., Zou, X., Jin, Z., Ng, F.L., Yeung K.L,Swearer, D.F., Wasielewski, M.R., Wang, J., Cha, H, Yan, H., Wong, K.S., Li, G., Li, M., Wu, J.; Interface property–functionality interplay suppresses bimolecular recombination facilitating above 18 percent efficiency organic solar cells embracing simplistic fabrication; Energy and Environmental Science, 2023, 16, 3416-3429. DOI: 10.1039/D3EE01427D

Graphical abstract: Interface property–functionality interplay suppresses bimolecular recombination facilitating above 18% efficiency organic solar cells embracing simplistic fabrication


Newmeyer, E-R., North, J.D., Swearer, D.F., Hot Carrier Photochemistry on Metal Nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics, (2022), 132, 230901.









Bayles, A., Tian, S., Zhou, J., Yuan, L.,  Yuan, Y., Jacobson, C.R., Farr, C., Zhang, M., Swearer, D.F., Solti, D., Lou, M., Everitt, H.O., Nordlander, P., Halas N.J., Al@TiO2 Core−Shell Nanoparticles for Plasmonic Photocatalysis ACS Nano, (2022), 16, 4, 5839–5850



Swearer, D.F., Bourgeois, B.B., Angell, D.K., Dionne, J.A.; Advancing Plasmon-Induced Selectivity in Chemical Transformations with Optically Coupled Transmission Electron Microscopy, Accounts of Chemical Research, (2021), 54, 19, 3632–3642




Zhou, L., Lou, M., Bao, J.L., Zhang, C., Liu, J.G., Martirez, J.M.P., Tian, S., Yuan, L., Swearer, D.F., Robatjazi, H., Carter, E.A., Nordlander, P., Halas N.J.; Hot carrier multiplication in plasmonic photocatalysis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (2021),

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2022109118




Swearer, D.F., Fischer, S., Angell, D.K., Siefe, C., Alivisatos, A.P., Chu, S., Dionne, J.A., Single Particle Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy with Sub-20 Nanometer, Electron Stable Phosphors, ACS Photonics, (2021), 8, 6, 1539–1547.

DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c00235


Fischer, S., Siefe, C., Swearer, D.F., McClellan, C.A., Alivisatos, A.P., Dionne, J.A., Bright infrared to ultraviolet upconversion in small alkaline earth-based nanoparticles with biocompatible CaF2 shells, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2020), 59, 21603 – 21612.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202007683


Robatjazi, H., Lou, M., Clark, B.D., Jacobson, C.R., Swearer, D.F., Nordlander, P., Halas N.J.; Site-Selective Nanoreactor Deposition on Photocatalytic Al Nanocubes, Nano Letters, (2020), 20, 6, 4550 – 4557.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01405

Zhou, L., Martirez, J.M.P., Zhang, C., Swearer, D.F., Tian, S., Robatjazi, H., Carter, E.A., Nordlander, P., Halas, N.J.; Light-driven Methane Dry Reforming with Single Atom Site Antenna-Reactor Plasmonic Photocatalysts, Nature Energy, (2020), 5, 61 – 70.

DOI: 10.1038/s41560-019-0517-9


Clark, B., Jacobson, C., Lou, M., Renard, D., Wu, G., Bursi, L., Ali, A., Swearer, D.F., Tsai, A-L., Nordlander, P., Halas, N.; Aluminum Nanocubes Have Sharp Corners, ACS Nano, (2019), 13, 8, 9682 –9691.

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b05277

Swearer, D.F., Knowles, N.R., Everitt, H.O., Halas N.J.; Plasmon-Assisted Chemical Looping for Ammonia Production, ACS Energy Letters, (2019), 4, 1505 – 1512.

DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.9b00860

Swearer, D.F., Robatjazi, H., Martirez, J.M.P., Zhang, M., Zhou, L., Carter, E.A., Nordlander, P. Halas, N.J.; Plasmonic Photocatalysis of Nitrous Oxide into N2 and O2 Using Aluminum-Iridium Antenna-Reactor Nanoparticles, ACS Nano, (2019), 13, 7, 8076 – 8086.

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b02924

Lou, M., Swearer, D.F., Gottheim, S., Phillips, D., Simmons, J.G., Halas, N.J., Everitt, H.O.; Quantitative Analysis of Gas Phase Molecular Constituents Using Frequency-modulated Rotational Spectroscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments, (2019), 90, 053110.

DOI: 10.1063/1.5093912


Robatjazi, H., Weinberg, D., Swearer. D.F. Tian, S., Zhou, L., Nordlander, P., Halas, N.J.; Metal-organic Frameworks Tailor the Properties of Aluminum Nanocrystals, Science Advances, (2018), 5, 2, eaav5340

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav5340

Zhou, L. Swearer, D.F., Zhang, C., Robatjazi, H., Zhao, H. Zhang, Y., Dong, L. Nordlander, P. Halas, N.J.; Quantifying Hot Carrier and Thermal Contributions in Plasmonic Photocatalysis, Science, (2018), 362, (6410), 69 – 72.


Swearer, D.F., Gottheim, S., Simmons Jr., J.G., Phillips, D.J., Kale, M.J., McClain, M.J., Christopher, P., Halas, N.J., Everitt, O.H.; Monitoring the Gas-Phase Reactants and Products of Chemical Reactions with Terahertz Rotational Spectroscopy, ACS Photonics, (2018), 5 (8), 3097 – 3106.


Kumar, A., McCarthy, L.A., Rehn, S., Swearer, D.F., Newell, R.N., Gereta, S., Villarreal, E., Yazdi, S., Ringe, E; Exploring Scientific Ideas in Informal Settings: Activities for Individuals with Visual Impairments, Journal of Chemical Education, (2018), 95, 593 – 597.


Smith, K.W., Yang, J., Hernandez, T., Swearer, D.F., Scarabelli, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, H., Moringo, N.A., Chang, W-S., Landes, C.F., Liz-Marzan, L.M., Ringe, E., Nordlander, P., Link, S.; Extreme Sensitivity of Gold Nanotriangle Plasmon Modes to Environmental Symmetry Breaking, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2018), 122 (25), 13259 – 13266.



Swearer, D.F., Newell, R., Leary, R.K., Robatjazi, H., Renard, D., Yazdi, S., Midgley, P. A., Halas, N.J., Ringe, E.; Transitional Metal Decorated Aluminum Nanocrystals, ACS Nano, (2017), 11 (10), 10281 – 10288.


Robatjazi, H., Zhao, H., Swearer, D.F., Hogan, N.J., Zhou, L., Alabastri, A., McClain, M.J., Nordlander, P., Halas, N.J.; Plasmon-Induced Selective CO2 Conversion on Earth-Abundant Al-Cu2O Antenna-Reactor Nanoparticles, Nature Communications, (2017), 8, 27.



Stender, A. S., Newell, R., Villareal, E., Swearer, D.F., Bianco, E., Ringe, E.; Short Learning Modules for the Continuing Education of Individuals with Visual Impairments, Journal of Chemical Education, (2016), 93 (12), 2052 – 2057.


Zhang, C., Zhao, H., Zhou, L., Schlather, A.E., Dong, L., McClain, M.J., Swearer, D.F., Nordlander, P., Halas, N.J.; Al-Pd Nanodisk Heterodimers as Antenna Reactor Photocatalysts, Nano Lett., (2016), 16 (10), 6677 – 6682.


Swearer, D. F., Zhao, H., Zhou, L., Zhang, C., Robatjazi, H., Martirez, J. M. P., Krauter, C. M., Yazdi, S., McClain, M. J., Ringe, E., Carter, E. A., Nordlander, P., Halas, N. J.; Heterometallic Antenna-Reactor Complexes for Photocatalysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., (2016), 113 (32), 8916 – 8920.



Byers, C. P., Zhang, H., Swearer, D. F., Yorulmaz, M., Hoener, B. S., Huang, D., Hoggard, A., Chang, W.-S., Mulvaney, P., Ringe, E., Halas, N. J., Nordlander, P., Link, S., Landes, C. F.; From Tunable Core-Shell Nanoparticles to Plasmonic Drawbridges: Active Control of Nanoparticle Optical Properties. Science Advances, (2015), 1 (11), 1 – 10.

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1500988

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dayne.swearer [at] northwestern [dot] com