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Net ID activation and Password reset

Obtaining an activation code for your Northwestern Net ID 

If you are an incoming SPS student or are resuming your academic career after a period of inactivity, you will need to contact SPS IT to obtain an activation code which can then be used atNU Validate to create a new password. We are now requiring students to verify their identity to us in one of three ways:

  1. Participate in a Zoom meeting using video with an SPS IT Services Desk member. You will be required to show one (1) government-issued photo ID during the call. 
  2. If you have a Northwestern email address, you can send a photo of one (1) government-issued photo ID to an SPS IT Service Desk member or to 
  3. If you do not have a Northwestern email address, we will accept a scan of two forms of photo identification (e.g., Wildcard, driver’s license, state ID, passport, NMH ID, green card). Send the scans as PDF or JPG attachments via email to The IT Support Center will then send you an activation code so you can reset your NetID password. 

If you have an active password (created within a year of the date you submit the ticket), you will be required to answer two (2) of your four (4) security questions on the NU Validate site. SPS IT will not issue an activation code for an account with an active password.