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About Us

What We Do

The School of Professional Studies (SPS) Distance Learning staff collaborate with faculty on all aspects of online course design including: assistance with development of course goals and learning objectives; design of learning assets—instructional content, readings, simulations, instructional videos, discussion forums, assessments, infographics—that help students achieve the learning outcomes for the course; alignment of course resources and assessments with course goals and learning objectives; recommendation of technology options and support instructors and students with these technologies; accessibility of course assets; training for faculty who are new to online teaching and learning; and project planning.

See the Team Directory to learn more about the members of the Distance Learning team.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Office of Distance Learning at SPS is to collaborate with SPS faculty and industry experts to design academically rigorous and engaging programs for the School’s online students. Distance Learning staff also contribute to digital learning initiatives across Northwestern University.