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Category: Blog

Scaling Assessments Using Zaption and

Recently, IMC Professor Judy Franks presented an interesting issue: her student evaluation feedback indicated that her students absolutely loved her course, but were overwhelmed with the workload. In addition, she was asked to teach three sections of the course in Read More

Selecting a Video Style

What type of video should I make?

If you arrived at this blog post hoping for a prescriptive answer to that question, you won’t find it here. Instead you will find a framework for including video in your online course, Read More

Moving Forward By Looking Backward

If you sit down with a learning designer at the School of Professional Studies to talk about a strategy for designing or redesigning your course and they suggest beginning with the end of the course in mind, you might find … Read More

Blue Jeans: June 2016 Online Learning Webinar

June’s Online Learning Webinar, hosted by instructional technologist Jackie Wickham, was a demo of Blue Jeans, Northwestern’s new web conferencing software that integrates with Canvas. Online faculty in the School of Professional Studies are encouraged to use Blue Jeans to Read More

10 Great Ways to Annotate Resources


Many online classes provide resources as a weekly, no-nonsense bibliography, a chain of citations. It is an efficient, time-tested way of presenting resources, and there is some benefit to letting students forge their own reading path through them.

But Read More

Ready, Set, Collaborate!

Designing and assessing group projects that promote meaningful learning experiences in positive collaborative environments.

While students may groan at the prospect of performing group work, positive group experiences have been shown to contribute to student learning, retention, and overall program Read More

TEACHx 2016 Reflections

On Monday, May 16, SPS Distance Learning staff attended the first annual TEACHx Program, a one-day conference showcasing innovations in educational technology and digital learning. There were numerous projects and presentations, including a poster presentation on learning analytics by … Read More