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Category: Blog

Podcast Your Content

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “I’m not a radio host! I don’t have an on air personality. I don’t have it in me to plan and record a weekly series.” All those things may be true. But those … Read More

Canvas Updates for Fall 2017

It can be difficult to stay up to date on both new and existing Canvas features! Here’s a quick rundown of some things SPS Online faculty might want to know about prior to Fall quarter.

Contact Cards

Canvas has recently … Read More

IDS 425 Showcase: August Online Learning Webinar

In the August Online Learning Webinar, IDS faculty David Noffs and SPS learning designer Jessica Mansbach discussed their collaboration in the development and launch of IDS 425: Learning Environment Design. They provided an overview of the design and development process … Read More

Common Course Design Questions: See What Your Peers Think

On June 26, thirteen SPS faculty members who will be designing courses for Winter 2018 began the Course Design Workshop, a two-week workshop about creating online learning environments, using the Quality Matters Standards, and designing an accessible course.  Throughout the … Read More

Best Practices for Synchronous Sessions


You’ve built engagement into every corner of your online course. You’ve got ways for students to interact with you, the instructor, through video and audio, assignment feedback, and discussion posts. Students interact with each other in large group discussions … Read More