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Assessing OER for Accessibility

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are often praised for being more accessible than standard textbooks. In this context, accessibility often refers to low or no costs, or to how students can obtain the resource just by clicking a link. But accessibility … Read More

Register for TEACHx 2019!

It’s time for TEACHx 2019—Northwestern’s symposium celebrating teaching, learning and technology. This year the TEACHx theme is student-centered learning. Come learn with your peers as they share their experiences with changing up their teaching. The day bring together instructors, students, … Read More

Submit a Proposal to TEACHx 2019!

Have you experimented with a new approach in one of your SPS courses in the last year?  Would you like to share what you’ve learned with others?

TEACHx, Northwestern’s annual symposium that brings together instructors, students, learning designers, and technology … Read More

Building Up to Big Assignments and Complex Tasks: Making the Case for Assignment Scaffolding


Do some topics or skills seem too large to approach in your course? Are your students struggling with time management? Do you want to provide students with thorough, meaningful feedback but find it difficult to keep up with all … Read More

Up Up and Away: How Superheroes Can Save Online Discussions

Back to Krypton…

In the late summer of 2017, Jacob Guerra-Martinez a Learning Designer and game-design researcher in Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies, pitched an audacious plan to a part-time faculty member in the School of Professional Studies. He … Read More