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Use SoundCloud

This page is related to Audio & Video


Soundcloud is an audio hosting platform for content creators. Content stored in SoundCloud can be shared in courses as individual tracks or playlists made playable from a simple and widely recognized music player.

When to Use?

Instructors won’t need to directly use Soundcloud. Instead, instructional technologists will manage audio recordings through the platform. You will work with the instructional technologist when narration, interviews, or pod-cast style content is needed for your course.

For tips on recording audio, check out the How-To Guide: Record High-Quality Audio. This guide covers best practices for meeting audio recording standards. If your recording involves SoundCloud, the instructional technologist will handle uploading and sharing the audio in your course.

Note: SoundCloud recordings must be accompanied by accessible transcripts to meet accessibility standards. For more information, visit the Web Accessibility section of the website.

Additional Resources

  • LinkedIn Learning also contains tutorials including technical guides to learn how to use specific technology as well as presentation skills guides to improve your on-camera and audio recording performance.