This page is related to Accessibility
A key part of SPS course design best practices, the focus is on, inclusion of High Impact Practices, UDL and digital accessibility. Digital accessibility means designing course content so all students can access it from the start, regardless of their abilities or use of assistive technologies. Rather than waiting for accommodation requests, this integrated approach proactively creates inclusive learning environments. Digital learning spaces must work seamlessly with tools like screen readers and keyboard navigation to ensure equal participation for all students.
At the School of Professional Studies, course design focuses on going a step beyond accommodations by taking a proactive stance. Rather than waiting for a student to request accommodation, we actively choose to create inclusive and welcoming classrooms.
As educators, it’s our responsibility to ensure that all of our students can fully access, engage with, and participate in our courses, no matter what tools they might be using. We have to ensure that students using tools like screen readers, keyboard navigation, and more are able to use a digital classroom.
This section focuses on the Seven Core Skills identified by AccessibleNU’s Mission: Accessible Project. These core skills are supported by Pope Tech, an automated accessibility checker available in every Canvas course. Combining knowledge of these core skills with Pope Tech will ensure a baseline of accessibility in your course site. But we’re not stopping there! A School of Professional Studies quality course will go beyond the basics to delve into in-depth accessibility topics like course resources, inclusive teaching practices, and more. Explore all our accessibility resources to make your class the best it can be—for all your students.
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