This page is related to Course Resources
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At a Glance
The process for requesting readings for your online course varies depending on the type of resource students will need to access.
Students can order textbooks through the bookstore or an alternate vendor. The list of required or optional texts for the course should be on file with the bookstore each quarter.
If your course includes a Harvard Business Publishing Coursepack, students will need to purchase them through Harvard Business Publishing.
Students can access journal articles, book chapters, and streaming audio and video resources through the Course Reserves tool in your Canvas course site. The process for requesting each of these types of items is detailed below.
Many students will prefer to purchase textbooks from an alternate bookseller. However, required textbooks should always be requested through the bookstore prior to publishing the Canvas course site. This provides consistency for students across courses and programs and ensures that students will be able to be reimbursed for textbook costs through some employer reimbursement programs.
- Go to
- Click Faculty Resources in the top right corner of the page to open the Barnes & Noble College FacultyEnlight website.
- On the FacultyEnlight website click Sign In or Create account in the top right corner of the page.
- Enter your username or email address and password to sign in. If creating an account, complete the form. After completing the form, you’ll be taken to the homepage.
- If you already know what textbook you want, click Adopt.
- Use the Find Your School menus to select your course and check the box next to your section, then click Continue.
- Add materials using one of the 8 options.
- Add the Abbott Hall bookstore link ( to your syllabus and direct the students to purchase the textbook.
Harvard Course Packs
- Go to the Harvard Business Publishing registration website.
- If you already have an educator account, skip to step 5.
- On the registration website, choose “Educator.”
- Complete the form.
- In the University Affiliation Section of the form, enter in the “Faculty Directory URL” field.
- Log in to your account.
- Search for the item you’d like to add to your course.
- Click the “Add To” button on the item description page.
- Click “Coursepacks.”
- Complete the information for a new course pack.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 for any additional items you’d like to add to the coursepack.
- When you are done adding items, click “Activate Coursepack.”
- Select “Student Pay” as the payment type.
- The activation process will create a Coursepack Link. Copy and paste this link to distribute it to your students.
Not sure if you need to assign an HBR coursepack? Before creating a coursepack, remember that the NU library has subscriptions to both Harvard Business Review and Harvard Business Review Digital. Use your NetID to login to the library website and start browsing these and many, many other journals!
Course Reserves
Northwestern Library staff will procure items and obtain copyright clearance for journal articles, book chapters, and streaming audio and video that is requested through the Course Reserves tool available in each Canvas site.
The following materials should be made available using Course Reserves:
- journal article(s) is only available in print in the NU library and must be scanned
- book chapter(s) is only available in print format
- a digitized format of physical media in the NU library collection
For more information, refer to the NU Library’s site Reserve Information for Faculty.
Of the many resources available students, textbooks, HBR coursepacks, and course reserves are regularly used across all SPS programs.