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Stories That Stick: Storytelling as a Meaningful Teaching Strategy Webinar: October 2016 Online Learning Webinar

Learning Designer Jessica Mansbach and Director of Faculty Programs at the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching Susanna Calkins hosted the October Online Learning Webinar, Stories That Stick: Storytelling as a Meaningful Teaching Strategy. Jessica and Susanna addressed how to use storytelling as an effective teaching strategy. Listen to the webinar recording to learn how to incorporate storytelling as a strategy to engage students, to help students make meaningful connections to course material, and to build relationships with your students. Jessica and Susanna also discussed the rationale for using storytelling as a teaching strategy, the elements of a sticky story, the goals of the story, and the positioning of the story in your teaching.

Additional Resources

If you would like additional resources on where to find existing stories to use, please visit:

Digital Storytelling: Another Tool To Add To Your Pedagogy Toolbox

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling, University of Houston

Free Technology for Teachers

Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything

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