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Fall Quarter 2015 and IDS Launch!

Fall Quarter 2015 started last week, with over a hundred sections of online courses running. Among those courses are the first offerings in our newest graduate program, the Masters of Science in Information Design & Strategy. Students are enrolled in IDS 401 – Models and Theories of User-Centered Design and IDS 403 – Effective Communication.

IDS 401, taught by Brad Gerstein, is the introductory course to the IDS program:

The User-Centered Design course gives students hands-on experience with the latest design frameworks and methodologies that focus on the end user. Students will learn how a user- focused design process can be used to solve the most challenging problems facing businesses and organizations today. Students will be introduced to the latest trends in design thinking, the importance of iterative design frameworks, researching user needs, prototyping, collaboration, and critical feedback.

And in IDS 403, Jen Baker teaches students how communication styles and strategies. Jen says:

I had a blast designing this course. It brought together all of my communication expertise and my outlook on learning. I tend to use an experiential learning model–learning by doing. Since IDS was created to connect experts in information management, design and technology to perfect the way information is communicated in this day and age, the Effective Communication course is a foundation for how to start enmeshing these three fields together.

The learning designer on the course, Steve Covello, said the course “was designed to bridge the gap between the creative process and the audiences to whom one’s work will be presented.”

With these courses kicking off the program, IDS looks to be another great addition to the School of Professional Studies. We can’t wait to hear student feedback and launch our next set of IDS courses in Winter 2016.

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