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Yellowdig: September 2015 Online Learning Webinar

September’s Online Learning Webinar session featured Yellowdig, a Facebook-like tool for the Canvas classroom. Shaunak Roy, founder and CEO of Yellowdig, joined the Distance Learning team on Wednesday to describe and discuss the merits of the tool. If you missed it, there is a recording of the session available.

To learn more about Yellowdig, please watch the informational video below.

Introducing Yellowdig from yellowdig on Vimeo.

If you are interested in piloting Yellowdig in your classroom, please reach out to us Look for the next Online Learning Webinar in the first week of October.

NUIT and Yellowdig are piloting the tool together, free of cost to instructors, this year. Interested faculty should reach out to us for more information.

Be on the lookout for October’s Online Learning Webinar session, tentatively scheduled for October 7 (topic to be announced).

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