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Research Team

Principal Investigator


Kiarri Kershaw, PhD, MPH, FAHA

Kiarri is a social epidemiologist who seeks to inform multilevel strategies to address the persistent racial and ethnic health inequities that exist for most health outcomes. Her research focuses on assessing the contributions of various aspects of the social environment on health, including social relationships, psychosocial stressors, and neighborhood conditions and resources. When she is not working, Kiarri likes to travel with her family, check out new restaurants in Chicago, and go for runs on the Lake Shore path. 

Lauren Hoffer

Research Project Manager. Lauren, born and raised in Wisconsin, graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BS in Biochemistry. Prior to joining the lab, Lauren worked on Northwestern’s Evanston campus on several research projects aimed at understanding multilevel contributors to disparities in adolescent health. Currently, Lauren manages Dr. Kershaw’s stress reactivity studies along with various other projects exploring social determinants of health. Lauren strongly believes in the power of research to inform change and is grateful to work with a team of passionate individuals towards this goal!

Sally Kim

Research Project Coordinator. Sally graduated from Northwestern University with a BA in Economics and Legal Studies. Since joining the lab, Sally has worked on research projects that examine the impact of stress and stress responses on health outcomes. In her free time, Sally likes to stay active by running or swimming and explore coffee shops.

Cyanna McGowan, MPH

Statistical Analyst. Cyanna attended Vanderbilt University for her undergraduate degree and Emory University for her MPH in Behavioral Sciences and Health Education. She has spent the last 3 years in the Social Environment and Health lab and, as a Statistical Analyst, is excited to contribute to spatial analyses and other data projects. Her research interests include racism as a social determinant of health and its impact on the social environment and various health outcomes. For fun, Cyanna enjoys weight training and biking.

Nicollette Moore, MPH

Research Project Coordinator. Nicollette received an MPH from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health with a concentration on maternal and child health and a minor in program evaluation. Her research interests include using community-engaged approaches to advance maternal and reproductive health equity. She has over five years of experience supporting maternal and reproductive health initiatives in the private and public sector. For fun, Nicollette enjoys spending time with her dogs (Cleopatra and Emerson), exploring nature, and binge-watching tv shows.

Mandy Wong, MS

Statistical Analyst Senior. Mandy received her MS in Biostatistics from the University of Michigan in 2019 and BS in biostatistics from Simmons College. Her research focuses on the application of statistical methods in cardiovascular epidemiology research, specifically answering questions that aims to understand the effects of social environment and health behaviors on cardiovascular health.  Her work is done primarily in large, longitudinal studies, which often calls for the application of longitudinal and survival modeling approaches. Mandy is an avid foodie who travels near and far, and uses food as a way to understand people and their culture. She is a loving mother to 3 beautiful, sassy cats!


Hyungkyung Kim, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow. Hyungkyung Kim received her PhD in Nursing at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow of Dr. Kershaw’s DREAM project in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University. Her research interests include socioeconomic adversity and mother and child health. Her PhD dissertation study evaluated the effects of socioeconomic adversity on mother and infant interaction as well as the mediating/moderating roles of maternal psychological well-being and social support. Outside of work, Hyungkyung likes to travel and try new Starbucks drinks.