Summer Northwestern Analysis Program
Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois)
July 29- August 16, 2019
Welcome! Go to the Schedule menu to find when and where the lectures will take place.
Program description
The Summer Northwestern Analysis Program (SNAP 2019) is a three-week summer school in Analysis to be held at Northwestern University as part of the activities of the NSF RTG grant “Analysis on Manifolds”. The summer school is organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute. It will feature three weeks of mini-courses of increasing level of specialization, aimed at undergraduate and graduate students and recent PhDs, in various topics in analysis. The theme of SNAP 2019 is Semiclassical Analysis.
The summer school will consist of three weeks of courses:
- Semiclassical Analysis: K. Datchev (Purdue University), S. Dyatlov (UC Berkeley)
- Fourier Transform and distribution theory: J. Wunsch (Northwestern University)
- Quantum Mechanics: H. Hezari (UC Irvine)
- Eigenfunctions: Y. Canzani (UNC Chapel Hill), J. Galkowski (Northeastern University)
- Scattering Theory: P. Hintz (MIT), M. Zworski (UC Berkeley)
The main aim of this summer school is to offer a complete course in semiclassical analysis to students and postdocs unfamiliar with these tools. The course will be concise, lasting three weeks, but will be intense, giving a thorough introduction with full technical detail in the core of the subject. Alongside the main course on semiclassical analysis, the courses listed above are designed on the one hand to shore up background material for students with less preparation (e.g. undergraduates) and to teach cutting-edge applications of semiclassical methods in a variety of areas of pure and applied mathematics. A course for the first week in mathematical quantum mechanics will give some historical context and physical intuition for the ideas of semiclassical analysis. A concurrent course in Fourier analysis and distribution theory in Week 1 will ensure that all participants are proficient with these essential tools. Weeks 2 and 3 will offer more sophisticated topics courses, featuring applications of semiclassical methods in scattering theory and eigenfunction asymptotics.
- [Go to the Registration (this is now closed) menu to find out what you need to register. Undergraduate and graduate students, recent Ph.D.s and under-represented minorities are especially encouraged to participate. Partial financial support is available for US citizens and permanent residents.
- Go to the Schedule menu to see a detailed outline of how the weeks are organized and where the lectures will take place.
Organizers: Y. Canzani, J. Galkowski, J. Wunsch and S. Zelditch
Sponsors: NSF RTG “Analysis on Manifolds”. Organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.
The SNAP figure was created using A. Barnett’s code: