Where a Critic Self-Aligns

Fountain 1917, replica 1964 Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968 Purchased with assistance from the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1999 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T07573

‘Fountain,’ 1917, replica 1964 Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968 Purchased with assistance from the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1999 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T07573

A cultural critic’s job is inherently more contentious and controversial than most; not only do they have the power to affect consumption of another’s work in a way that can earn critics high levels of resentment, but they also have certain leeway to design the frameworks within which they operate as critics. Some, like Barry Schwabsky, position themselves at the edge of the art world but not quite outside of it. Others seem to operate as within a work’s audience but intellectually above other laypeople who are exposed to the art, those who then become the critics’ readers. What these viewpoints share is a sense of superiority, though not always arrogant superiority, that grants critics (the good ones, at least) permission to share their honest, evidenced opinions with those who do not have such permission.

Critic Barry Schwabsky understands that a critic’s place in society has shifted in recent history. He seems to lament that “the critic seems to be in the art world but not of it—a guest at the party who is there on sufferance, contributing much less to the art world’s functioning than once was the case.” That degree of separation from those on the “inside” allows the critic to more accurately serve the general public as he or she has fewer debts to those he or she may need to criticize. At the same time, a level of inclusion is necessary for Schwabsky to educate the public as he would like to: “I work from within—within the particular artwork, within the history and conventions of art as a whole—to find the edges where art, as [Marcel] Duchamp said, comes ‘in contact with the external world.’” Living in that in-between space offers him the knowledge to speak with authority without being indebted to the artists themselves.

The same sense that knowledge is key to significant critique appears in Daniel Mendelsohn’s “A Critic’s Manifesto.” He insists, however, that just as important in the equation needed to produce critique is taste:

“For all criticism is based on that equation: KNOWLEDGE + TASTE = MEANINGFUL JUDGMENT. The key word here is meaningful. People who have strong reactions to a workand most of us dobut dont possess the wider erudition that can give an opinion heft, are not critics. (This is why a great deal of online reviewing by readers isnt criticism proper.)”

One’s knowledge on a subject can be more readily judged than his or her taste, a requirement which one could even argue harkens back to a time when rulers’ power was justified by a divine being. Some intrinsically have what it takes to hold the high responsibility of critique in their hands; others do not. But nowadays, in the age of a 24-hour online news cycle, people have the power to chose whose divine taste deserves merit.

Those critics who are chosen and trusted, Dwight Garner writes, then have the responsibility to give their readers as accurate and fair a judgment on the art as possible. They must “[talk] about ideas, aesthetics and morality as if these things matter (and they do),” Garner says. “It’s at base an act of love. Our critical faculties are what make us human.” It’s this humanity that makes a cultural critic’s work so important and his or her job so unique.




  • Kinsey commented on September 30, 2016 Reply

    First off– love the use of ‘his or her’/’he or she’ throughout your piece. Secondly, I’m a big fan of your focus on the deep connection critics form with their art and their critiques in terms of honesty and humanity. It’s so easy to forget that critics have to be vulnerable and honest in order to truly share their opinions about how art affected them and I like how you drew that out of the texts.

    • Bussiness Sale commented on March 7, 2024 Reply

      This is a well-written piece that highlights an often overlooked aspect of criticism: the critic’s personal connection to the art form.

      I particularly appreciate your consistent use of inclusive language, ensuring respect for all identities.

      Your focus on the critic’s vulnerability and honesty is refreshing and insightful. As you rightly point out, genuine critical engagement often requires emotional honesty and a willingness to share personal interpretations, which can be easily overlooked in the focus on technical analysis.

      This perspective opens up interesting avenues for further exploration. Perhaps delving into specific examples of how critics have woven their personal experiences and vulnerabilities into their critical discourse could further strengthen your argument.

      Overall, this is a thought-provoking analysis that reminds us of the human element inherent in the act of criticism, making it both more relatable and richer than purely objective judgments.

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  • elisugerman commented on September 30, 2016 Reply

    I think that the question of “authority” that you bring up in this essay is an interesting and important one. Like you, I was skeptical about Mendelsohn’s invocation of “taste” as a necessary critical skill–it left a bad taste in my mouth. I think your comparison between taste and faith is valid, although I think it is even easier in some ways to understand divine rights. Like, the logic of “I am king and thus I was chosen by god, and this is my son so he too must have been chosen by god” almost makes sense. But what gives a critic this “divine right?” Where did good taste come from, and who decides it? You bring up the idea that the public collectively decides, but I’m not so sure about that. Good taste almost feels to me like a something that nobody decides, something that over generations and time gets cycled into being without anybody noticing, accepting it like it was always there. As if, as Mendelsohn seems to think, it is something that you just have, or don’t.
    Anyway, this was interesting stuff–thanks for sharing!

  • Michael Kramer commented on October 3, 2016 Reply


    In focusing on the question of superiority, your essay made me think about the sociological and historical similarities between critics and priests. In that critics seem to get positioned in these essays as intermediary figures between some kind of higher power and the secular world. Of course art itself has deep intersections with religion, as you well know, but I think there has been far less thinking about the lurking religious dimensions of the critic’s role. To be sure there are other frameworks here: the critic as citizen in a polity; the critic as worker in a marketplace of economic transactions of value; the critic as outsider; and so on. But I do think you have started to draw out an implication of these critical reflections we read: that they all seek to describe what earns membership in the special priesthood of critics.

    One thought: I wonder if you might try to organize your essay by your thematic focus rather than move us through three critics one by one. This would allow you to more fully and compellingly subordinate their quotations to your voice and what you have to say. This is largely an organizational issue, but one I’d encourage you to experiment with—what if you started with a theme of superiority and then divided it into three aspects of that theme: in-betweenness; knowledge; and love (just as an example). Bring your “sources” (the critical essays we read) into those three sections, explaining how their quotations bounce off each other for each of these three themes. I think you might get a more dynamic result that allows you to set your own voice and sensibility out more boldly.

    But that said, nice start here. Lots to think about that you begin to bring to the surface.

    Prof. Kramer

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