Critical to the Last Drop

Rotten Tomatoes


What is the role of a critic? This question seems to be ever more popular, usually posed with something of a smirk—Critics? Who needs them?—as the once-strong voices of our critics are sucked deeper and deeper into the noise of social media and algorithm-produced judgements. But if these professional arbiters are good at anything, it is making their voices heard; they will not go down without a fight. However, although there are many similarities between the arguments voiced by critics in defense of criticism, there are also substantial differences regarding how they define their occupation—both what it is, and what it should be. While Daniel Mendelsohn purports to be a an educator of the masses, Barry Schwabsky perceives himself an essential figure in the creation of art, and Bruno Latour insists on improving criticism for its own sake.

Primarily, in his essay for the New Yorker titled “A Critic’s Manifesto,” Daniel Mendelsohn expresses a rather traditional perception of the cultural critic. “The role of the critic,” he says, “is to mediate intelligently and stylishly between a work and its audience; to educate and edify in an engaging and, preferably, entertaining way.” In this way, Mendelsohn sees himself as a critic for the people. He seeks to harness his own taste and knowledge of art in order to judge it meaningfully, and then present his judgements to the public in his “engaging and, preferably, entertaining way” so that the uncultured masses can follow his arguments and learn to think more critically on their own. In other words, the role of criticism is not to reveal the correct judgement on any given subject, but to demonstrate a unique, practiced mode of perception so that others may come to their own conclusions. However, while Mendelsohn’s model sets up the critic as a sort of guide for the public, art critic Barry Schwabsky perceives himself as a representative of all spectators.

In his essay “A Critic’s Job of Work,” Schwabsky first explains how he believes that art is created not just by the artists themselves but through a participatory process including both them and the spectators of their work. He underlines this concept with a quote from the poet Walt Whitman: “Not the book needs so much to be the complete thing, but the reader of the book does.” It is based on this foundation that Schwabsky defines his role as a critic; “The art critic,” he declares, “formalizes and deliberately exemplifies the role of the spectator who realizes the artist’s work—not by leaving it just as it is, but by adding something to it, making a personal contribution.” In other words, Schwabsky is seeking to be Whitman’s idealized spectator, “the complete thing.” Like Mendelsohn, he places great value on the distinction between professional critics and everyone else, perceiving a critic as the more knowledgable and experienced version of an ordinary spectator. However, unlike Mendelsohn, Schwabsky’s goal is not to teach the public to do what he does—instead, he seeks to be a sort of artist himself by ensuring that great works of art receive worthy receptions. But if Mendelsohn is a people’s critic, and Schwabsky is an artist’s critic, then Bruno Latour is a critic’s critic.

Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam?” asks the title of his scholarly article, and the answer that follows is quite a bit more complex than those offered by the aforementioned cultural critics. Latour seeks to analyze in depth how highbrow criticism has, at least in his eyes, had a detrimental effect on our culture as of late. One focus of his study is the so-called overzealous “iconoclasm” of critics, who Latour claims are seeking to de-fetishize any and all “objects” through their work. He perceives these rampant attempts at demystification by scholars as leading to—or at least justifying the logic of—conspiracy theorists and climate change deniers (if the truth about our culture is routinely hidden from the masses, could not the same be true of government? Of science?). In his conclusion, Latour argues for a new kind of criticism:

Can we become critical again, in the sense here offered by Turing? That is, generating more ideas than we have received, inheriting from a prestigious critical tradition but not letting it die away, or ‘dropping into quiescence’ like a piano no longer struck. This would require that all entities, including computers, cease to be objects defined simply by their inputs and outputs and become again things, mediating, assembling, gathering many more folds than the ‘united four.’

Latour does not elaborate very deeply on what this new breed of criticism would actually look like, but in a fashion similar to Mendelsohn, he aims at better bridging the distance between critics and the masses. And like Schwabsky, Latour hopes that critics would create new meanings and possibilities through their work. However, this revolutionary brand of cultural criticism that Latour describes is nearly as abstract as Turing’s  “super-critical” machine. What would it mean for a critic to turn fetishized “objects” into Heidegger’s gathered, folded “things” instead of the other way around? Perhaps it would mean defending the so-called “low art” like unoriginal superhero movies to which critics like Schwabsky and Mendelsohn might be tempted to take a hatchet.

In the end, the role of criticism is largely disputed amongst these critics, and although they use their critical minds to create careful, thoughtful arguments over the purpose and value of their profession, modern technoculture is deaf to their cause as it slowly crops them out of the picture, reducing their work to numbers and “content” with numbered-words.


  • Daniel Fernandez commented on October 1, 2016 Reply

    This is a really solid overview of the various arguments from the articles we read last last week. You do a particularly good job at discussing what Latour, Mendelsohn and Schwabsky have in common and as well as where they differ.

    However, I don’t totally agree with your characterization of Mendelsohn’s argument, specifically the notion that his criticism is geared toward bringing deep insight to the “uncultured masses”.

    Although Mendelsohn definitely views himself as a teacher in some capacity, and his objective is to make us engage in various forms of art in a deeper way, I don’t think it’s fair to assume that his writing is geared toward the truly uncultured. In fact, I’m not quite sure what you mean by uncultured — it’s not a word he uses at any point during his piece.

    I’m interested to hear what you meant by this statement, as well as what you believe “thinking critically” means for Mendelsohn, particularly whether his definition differs from what everyday people might think of when they hear those words.

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  • annareishus commented on October 1, 2016 Reply

    On a pure technical level I want to compliment your organization and use of hyperlinks to relevant sources, particularly when you tie in the (painfully) familiar example of Batman vs. Superman and it’s reception in various formats. I think directly referencing the “algorithm-produced judgments” of a site like rotten tomatoes is very appropriate when discussing criticism in today’s context. (I also appreciate your use of literal rotten tomatoes as your image).

    I like that you explained, compared, and contrasted three different perspectives on what critique is and what it should be with Mendelsohn, Schwabsky, and Latour. I love the sentence, “But if Mendelsohn is a people’s critic, and Schwabsky is an artist’s critic, then Bruno Latour is a critic’s critic,” which elegantly and concisely summarizes and compares each to each other. I agree that Mendelsohn presents himself as “a people’s critic,” but I cringed when I read your summary that he formats his work in an entertaining way so that the “uncultured masses” can understand. To me, the term “uncultured masses” implies one of the highest degrees of pretentiousness and class that prefers to distance themselves from those unfit to appreciate true art rather than connect with them. Your following sentence therefore seems to contradict the previous sentence’s implication: “In other words, the role of criticism is not to reveal the correct judgment… but to demonstrate a unique, practiced mode of perception so that others may come to their own conclusions.” This elaboration seems much more democratic to me because the critique’s purpose is not to tell people what to think, but it suggests to people how to think with the intention of inspiring further or different analyses. I feel that your secondary explanation more closely reflects how I read Mendelsohn’s piece.

    Finally, I appreciate your closing analysis, summarizing your thoughts about how controversial critique can be, even (or perhaps especially) among critics themselves. In my analysis of various critics I looked at how they perceive critique interacting with culture as a whole. You touch on this point, but I like how you look closer specifically at how critics critique criticism, either as what it has done or what it is becoming, in hopes of finding a way to salvage the “right” kind of criticism from it’s ever-depleting role in society.

    • Bussiness Sale commented on March 7, 2024 Reply

      This is a well-organized and insightful exploration of different perspectives on criticism!

      I particularly appreciate your technical aspects, such as the clear organization, relevant hyperlinks, and the fitting use of the “rotten tomatoes” image. Directly referencing sites like Rotten Tomatoes is crucial when discussing the role of “algorithm-produced judgments” in contemporary criticism.

      The comparative analysis of Mendelsohn, Schwabsky, and Latour is excellent. I especially enjoyed the line, “But if Mendelsohn is a people’s critic, and Schwabsky is an artist’s critic, then Bruno Latour is a critic’s critic,” as it encapsulates their contrasting viewpoints concisely.

      While I share your appreciation for Mendelsohn’s approachable writing style, I understand your concerns regarding the use of “uncultured masses.” I believe Mendelsohn aims to be inclusive and engaging with a broader audience, rather than creating an air of pretentiousness or exclusion. Your clarification about the purpose of criticism, “not to tell people what to think, but to suggest how to think”, aligns with this broader interpretation.

      Finally, your closing analysis on the internal critiques within the world of criticism is thought-provoking. It opens the door to further discussion about the evolutionary nature of criticism and its role in a constantly evolving cultural landscape.

      Overall, this is a well-written and thought-provoking piece that offers valuable insights into the complexities of criticism in the modern world.

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  • Michael Kramer commented on October 3, 2016 Reply

    Eli —

    This is a nice essay whose larger theme is, to my reading, about the positioning of the critic in relation to audience. The essay suggests that Mendelsohn imagines the critic as outside and above audiences, an educator in the Arnoldian sense; Schwabsky wants the critic to be an outsider too, but more like a slightly alienated friend to the art and artist, off to the side and perhaps more idiosyncratic and personal than Mendelsohn’s authoritative critic; Latour seeks for the critic to move from the role of deconstruction and unmasker of power in art to something more caring, supportive, and generative, in other words critique moved closer to curation (which means “care work” etymologically).

    Here’s a thought: I wonder if you might reorganize your essay around these subthemes of critic’s relationship to audience (authority, outsiderness, and care work), and then bring in your critics within each of the themes. This would bring out your own voice as critic more strongly and subordinate the readings to your themes a bit more. This is largely an organizational suggestion, but one that might continue to crystallize your important observations more boldly and compellingly.

    Nice work here.

    Prof. Kramer

    • Bussiness Sale commented on March 7, 2024 Reply

      This is a well-organized and insightful exploration of different perspectives on criticism!

      I particularly appreciate your technical aspects, such as the clear organization, relevant hyperlinks, and the fitting use of the “rotten tomatoes” image. Directly referencing sites like Rotten Tomatoes is crucial when discussing the role of “algorithm-produced judgments” in contemporary criticism.

      The comparative analysis of Mendelsohn, Schwabsky, and Latour is excellent. I especially enjoyed the line, “But if Mendelsohn is a people’s critic, and Schwabsky is an artist’s critic, then Bruno Latour is a critic’s critic,” as it encapsulates their contrasting viewpoints concisely.

      While I share your appreciation for Mendelsohn’s approachable writing style, I understand your concerns regarding the use of “uncultured masses.” I believe Mendelsohn aims to be inclusive and engaging with a broader audience, rather than creating an air of pretentiousness or exclusion. Your clarification about the purpose of criticism, “not to tell people what to think, but to suggest how to think”, aligns with this broader interpretation.

      Finally, your closing analysis on the internal critiques within the world of criticism is thought-provoking. It opens the door to further discussion about the evolutionary nature of criticism and its role in a constantly evolving cultural landscape.

      Overall, this is a well-written and thought-provoking piece that offers valuable insights into the complexities of criticism in the modern world.

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