Hitachi HD-2300 Dual EDS Cryo STEM

The Hitachi HD-2300 Dual EDS Cryo STEM (HD 2300) is a versatile Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope used for imaging and elemental analysis. The HD 2300 actually has three different electron detectors for different imaging modes (Transmitted Electron Detector, Annular Detector, and a Secondary Electron Detector) and features an electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy detector (EELS) and Read More…

Rigaku SMAX3000

The ability to create nanostructures and their controlled assemblies on solid substrates and in bulk solutions is critical for advancement of many technologies. The Rigaku SMAX3000 aids in the study of nanostructures by using X-ray scattering for deducing nanoparticles’ shape, size distribution, assembly structure, and defects in a particular structure. So what exactly is x-ray Read More…