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Len, M., U. S. Ramasamy, S. Lichter, and A. Martini. “Thickening Mechanisms of Polyisobutylene in Polyalphaolefin.” Tribology Letters 66 (1)  (2018).

Ramasamy, U. S., S. Lichter, and A. Martini. “Effect of molecular-scale features on the polymer coil size of model viscosity index improvers.” Tribology Letters 62 (2) (2016).

Lichter, S., and T. B. Sisan. “Nanochannel compositions and methods.” U.S. Patent Application 15/110,546, filed December 8, 2016.

Sisan & S. Lichter. Solitons transport water through narrow carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112: 044501 (2014) (PRL Editors’ Choice). News coverage–American Physical Society: Spotlighting Exceptional Research,,, Northwestern University’s McCormick News.

Yi, T., U. S. Ramasamy, S. Lichter, and A. Martini. “Stability and structure of nanometer-thin perfluoropolyether films using molecular simulations.” Tribology Letters 54 (2) (2014): 119-127.

Yi, T., and S. Lichter. “Reorientation of a dipolar monolayer and dipolar solvent.” Physical Review E 89.6 (2014): 062404.

Hansen-Goos & S. Lichter. Geometric models of protein secondary-structure folding. In Nano and Cell Mechanics, H. D. Espinosa & G. Bao, eds. J. Wiley & Sons (2013).

Yi, Q. Wang & S. Lichter. Conformations of a dipolar solute in a Stockmayer solvent, Langmuir 28:15286-15293 (2012).

Lichter, B. Rafferty, Z. Flohr & A. Martini. Protein high-force pulling simulations yield low-force results, PloS ONE. 7:e34781 (2012).

Sisan & S. Lichter. The end of nanochannels, Microfluid. Nanofluid., 11: 787-791 (2011).

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